Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Starch, Cadillac and a book

Being in the military keeps one thing in my life, that I'd really rather not deal with. Starch. So I buy a spray bottle, and I put my liquid starch in it, and I commence to spraying my uniform. I get these weird looking streaks all across the shirt. So much for the spray bottle, huh? No matter what I tried, I couldn't change the stream. Full adjustable my ass.

Cadillac and I had a nice chat today. It's nice having a boss that's more human than asshole. Makes work a little more livable.

Scout and I sat for over 2 hours in the Navy hospital, waiting to get his prescription refilled. 2 hours.....for a doc to say,' Yes, he has ADHD, yes he needs his meds, no he's not losing weight, ok, here you go.' UGH. I hate government agencies for this. Patients must arrive early, be seen well past their appointment time, and then wait forever to get a bottle filled. And heaven forbid if you are late to that appointment, they won't see you at all then.

It was suggested to me, at one point by Other, that I ought to write a book. I have been giving this much thought, and the story is really starting to form in my head. Pretty soon I will have to put it on paper and see what happens.

They are calling for snow this week, and I am almost eager for it to come. Snow cripples this area, whereas I am used to driving in it, and having to go to work in it. I have much here at home that I really need to get a jump on and get done. So, yes, some time home from work wouldn't be a bad thing for me.

Ziggy and I have a couple friends who are expecting girls.....it makes me long to have another baby, but I know that it's not a good idea right now. But I'd love to have a little girl to put bows in her hair, frilly socks and Mary Jane shoes on......

Speaking of having another child, Cadillac and I were talking about my next 2 years in the military, as my contract is up in 2 years. Right now I have so many goals, that I am not sure how to compile them all so that they will mesh when I want them to. I want to get as much of my degree done as possible while I am still in, as I am going to school on 100% tuition assistance. I am slated to go to Cuba in May, and I am really looking forward to that, as I have never been anywhere for temporary duty. I also want to finish my upgrade training so that in case I stay in, I can either crosstrain or go to classes for more training. But what I also want to do is get my degree, and possibly have another baby. I adore children, and I'd love to be able to stay home(maybe work at night) with the kids, be a stay home Mommy, atleast during the day, and be there when the kids grow up.

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