Monday, January 30, 2006

News for the blogging world, and missing Ziggy

I'm 5 weeks pregnant with Baby #3. Hoping pink this time, but I really don't care as long as the little tike is healthy. And if it's a girl, Paul gets to live vicariously through me and spoil her rotten all he wants. Paul wants a little girl, and well, I am thinking that's not happening with his current situation, so I told him that he could live vicariously through me if this one is a girl. My due date is 3 October......just one day after MiniZiggy's birthday......peachy, huh?

I am really missing Ziggy lately. He sounds so down on the phone, too.....I just want to hug him and snuggle and talk to him for hours like we do when he is home......He's my best friend and it really sucks not getting to talk to him as much as we are used to, nor in the same way.....

I told Kermit and Der Fuhrer about the pregnancy today, with official documentation in my hands. Kermit said I was stupid. I walked out of the office before I tore his head off and shit down his neck. He starts banging on the window and calling me back in the office, laughing and telling me that he's just messing with me. Then he asks me how long Ziggy has been deployed. To which I told him a respectful 'Fuck you!'.....Literally, said that to him..

Alright, I am tired. I need a shower and I may be too tired to even play a game of Mah Jong Solitaire, my favorite game on Yahoo games......that's pretty tired....

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sorry so long between updates

This week at work is going to suck. 6-6 shifts. Daycare is going to bite. Kermit is going to be pissy, I just have a hunch......

Ziggy is a bit down. I talked to him today and he wasn't he usual cheery self, and hasn't been for a few days. He's cold, and lonely, though he's got plenty of people he knows around him. I feel bad for him, and wish there was something I could do for him.

Ok, well, that's all I have for right now......I'll be back, of course....

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hectic life and stress

Scout's daycare is closed tomorrow. Which means I have to take him to work with me and then drop him off at school. A very long trip. And it's a half day at school anyways, to make it even more interesting. Oh, as if that wasn't enough, I have to work 12 hour shifts next week. Joy. As if I don't lose enough sleep as it is...

Wake me up when Ziggy is home.

Monday, January 23, 2006

An update and a ramble

Well, Ziggy has been away since last Wednesday, and I am amazed at how well things are running right now. With getting the kids up and getting out the door, running errands and such. Much smoother than I thought it was going to be. I am endeavoring to make lunches at night and load the car up with things that have to be taken to daycare with the kids the night before so I am not too far behind everyday. So far so good. I just have to keep it up for 4 months.

Chair Force is gone, and I miss it. Enough said.

JayJay's wife was on the yahoo messenger with me yesterday, complaining that he lies to her, is trying to hook up with others, etc, etc. I told her to pack her stuff and her kids and leave him. Of course, she said no. I am a firm believer in the fact that people bring alot of things on themselves, and as long as she puts up with his behavior, he will continue doing it. And she'll be a victim of her own stupidity for staying in a bad situation 'for the kids'.

CrazyGirl has baby fever, and I am so stoked for her. She's not pregnant, but is hearing her biological clock ticking, and wants a baby. I am just tickled for her. Her man says that you give up alot to be a parent, but if you are planning to have kids, aren't you also planning to give up things in order to have them in your life? I dunno, it was just a bit of a train of thought that was going through my mind as I was reading his reaction to her baby fever.

Work is ok for now. Scout is 10 tomorrow, I can't believe it........

I got a little punk at work in hot water with my boss today. This kid(and he is just that, a kid) starts spouting off to me that a coworker of mine(with equally as few brain cells) is his 'insert n-word'. The irony of this is that they are both WHITE. Well, so am I, but mino details. And he is repeating this statement to me(in a manner resembling Scout sans ADHD meds) over and over again. I got freaking uncomfortable. I mentioned it to the good folks that are his bosses( I know them all and so they weren't thrilled when I was telling him what he was saying). Now, the reason this is such a big thing is that terminology like that is not allowed in the military. It's flat out disrespectful and insulting. And we are preached this from the earliest time in our enlistments. his boss tells me to bitch the kid out, he won't care if I do. I said no, I'll let them do it, they are his bosses, and I work in a completely different section. But my boss would know about it. So I troop back to my shop and I pull Kermit off to the side and I tell him about this little punk, gave him the kid's name and let Kermit handle it. I have to give Kermit this. If one of his people has a problem with someone mouthing off to them, if we tell him about it, he handles it. So this kid has probably had his ass chewed off and handed to him on a paper plate by now. Serves him right for being so rude and disrespectful. Punk.

Alright, well, I guess that's it for now. Hope all is well with you all....

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Love you Ziggy

I know that he may check my blog for updates, so here's a personal one for him......

Miss you baby, my Stitch. MiniZiggy screamed through his bath, Scout is good, just hella tired. I love you, and we miss you. Our bed is so big when in it alone!! I hope you're ok, and that your back isn't hurting too badly. I love you baby, and can't wait to hear your voice!!

First full day with Ziggy deployed

Well, I'd say that the first day sans Ziggy went pretty well. Got up early, showered, got the crowd up and pets fed and kids dressed and had something like 15 minutes to chill in before hitting the road. Scout's daycare didn't open until late, so he waited with a friend and their parets while I headed down the road (Scout's idea, brownie points for thinking ahead like that!!!). Managed to get MiniZiggy to daycare with no crying whatsoever(some days you miss the 'Momma!!!' screams at the tops of their lungs and the tears...makes ya feel needed and loved), and it was off to Auschwitz. Failed a task eval, and Kermit wasn't even too much of a dick about it. I dunno if I'm becoming used to his barking, or if I just don't care so much any more, or maybe I am just understanding better, but for as much as he barked today, I didn't get all pissy. But I did almost cry over the task eval. Ziggy called at about 0830, made me feel good. I miss him but I'm not as bad as I was when I deployed. I burned my left hand during lunch, spilled hot soup on it. Yea, so I have a couple blisters, but I didn't cry in front of Kermit, who was in the office when I did it. I controlled myself and didn't scream like a weiney, either. He asked if I was ok, which was terribly human of him. This afternoon I got a call from MiniZiggy's daycare, poor child bopped his noggin again. So they have to give a courtesy call so they don't get sued for kids coming home with bruises and such. Kermit even asked if everything was ok when I got off the phone. He was downright civil to me today, for the most part. Maybe I should be scared.
Dropped off kids and made it to class with time to spare. Got home at 10:30 PM, and am updating my blog before cuddling up to a favorite book, reading a few pages and going to sleep. Long day, but relatively easy. This time. It can always get worse. Like tomorrow. MiniZiggy has a doctor's appointment at 3PM, Kermit is not going to be happy.....

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ziggy leaving and demise of

Ziggy left for his TDY to Manas today. He called me a little while ago, saying he was in Baltimore and that he was getting some food and would call me a little later. So far the weirdness of being the only adult in the house hasn't set in yet. I am sure that it will here soon, with a quickness.

I am a member of I have been so for a little over 2 years now. I made some great acquaintences, and they will be dearly missed. So will the community that was brought about by the site, and it's creator, JoeTheFat. Today I received word from TheMan's girlfriend, the ever fabulous CrazyGirl, that the site will probably be going down as of the 21st of this month....I will miss it, but it is the end of an era......

Monday, January 16, 2006

Where is he now???

I used to read the Ramblings of a Coaster Fan from the Burbs, by a guy called Coaster Joe. I've checked back a number of times to see any updates, and it seems like Coaster Joe has vanished!!!! If anyone else reads his blog, and knows what's happened to him, update me!!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

I am about damn tired

.......of Ziggy here lately. Hearing every two seconds about how he'll get so much time downtown, and how he won't have to do certain things while he's deployed is REALLY GETTING ON MY NERVES. He leaves Wednesday, and frankly, I can't wait. He's on my nerves that badly right now. He pouted when I told him that some of the guys I work with were going to finish the fence(that, by the way, was supposed to be done before he leaves, and hasn't been worked on in a little over 2 months. Digressing....). To which, I could throw this in his face that it hasn't been done and won't get done if they don't come do it for me, as I can't do it myself. Yea......but being the bigger person(Ok, I am trying here, so I'll blog my frustration), I grit my teeth and keep quiet.

Oh, and the whole comment that leaving family isn't bad for him(um, first time he's deployed since getting married and having kids, so YES, this is new territory), so he doesn't need to spend extra time with the kids - -really urks me. So when he gets over there, and I get that phone call saying 'I miss you guys so much, and I wanna come home', the answer will be this - 'Tough shit, you said you didn't want to.' Oh, and the comment about MiniZiggy is the one that REALLY got my goat. 'He's not going to change much by the time I get back.' Yes, Ziggy, everything freezes while you are on the other side of the world. And by the way, I've got some ocean front property in Nebraska that comes really cheap....... Ziggy is getting on my nerves. He can leave now, if only to shut him up!!!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Oh have I got an entry for you guys....I went to my first class of the semester tonight. Social Ethics is the class, part of the Philosophy department. My instructor will crack you up......minister, lawyer and teacher all rolled into one. Now, I'm not devoutly religious, but it's been my experience that the ministers that try to function in the world like the rest of us everyday people, they tend to lose sight of the ministry. I worked for a man who was minister on Sunday. Monday-Saturday he ran a multi-million dollar sporting goods store in Northern Georgia, commited arson to get the insurance money because he wasn't turning a profit(that's what happens when you rip people off and they figure it out, they go elsewhere), and then tried to built another store. Look at Joe Simpson, Jessica Simpson's father. He was a minister. Now he's an entertainment manager?!?! Seeing the conflict of interest?Yeeeeaaaaa.......It's going to be a LONG semester.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ok, now I'm curious

In the course of say, a week and a half, I gained 15lbs, according to 2 different scales in the gym. Ziggy keeps saying my body looks like it did when I was newly pregnant. I've been getting nauseated a good bit....

I've had a negative test, I don't know what the hell is going on...

Maybe I need to go to the doctor....

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I got DD'd by Machine

I get periodic DD's from Machine of the Short Bus Mafia. This man's voice is like velvet.......makes a girl turn into a puddle to hear it....May have to call him back one of these days....

Sunday, January 08, 2006

OMG!!!!!! He speaketh Russian!!

I was perusing Eunuch's blog (sorry I haven't reaasembled my links list, I've been lazy, many apologies) and happened to hit his Yahoo 360 page, and I ran across a couple of things that I have in common with the Hasher himself..........1. We are both members of the US Air Force. 2. We have both done time in Iraq, albeit in different locations. 3. We are both pursuing higher education(ok, he has more than me, but it's a minor detail) 4. He speaks Russian!!!!! I about flipped out! I took Russian in college, at the University of Alaska Anchorage. It's not often that you find those who have braved learning that language. It's not easy.

Scout's 10th birthday

I made the reservation for Scout's 10th birthday party yesterday. Gotta love it, 10 kids, 2 slices of pizza a piece, 10 game tokens and unlimited rides at a place called Jeepers. Think ChuckECheese, but for older kids. They provide the cake and pizza, do all the clean up, and I all I have to do is show up. I love it!!! Especially since Ziggy is going to be deployed at the time, one less thing I have to think about and plan.

Other emailed me today, stating that he is officially a single digit midget, meaning he is on the home stretch to leaving the hole in the sand known as Iraq. He's excited, as I am for him, to be leaving. Being deployed, even under the best of circumstances, has it's drawbacks, and pretty much everyone looks forward to going home.

I have to leave a shout out here, so listen up everyone - Charlie Brown - What's up, Charlie Brown?!?! Charlie lives in Italy, and through the channels of grapevines, I have learned that he reads my blog DAILY. So I had to leave a shout out for him. I am always appreciative of my readers, simply because they read what I write, whether or not it's overly interesting (let me have the illusion, please) . Charlie Brown is my partner-in-crime as far as Ebaying goes. This man has a shoe habit. He collects Jordans, Nike's, etc.....he told me he has something like 40+ pairs of shoes.....some he's never worn. Yea.....he and I have Ebay problems, and neither one of us is any good at stopping the habit.

It's recently been suggested to me that I have more sexual content to my blog. Ok, I have thought it over, and here's the decision that I have come to about that......I am not posting the minute details of my sex life on this blog. I post things as they strike me, and I don't write erotica for the masses. I suggest for that, if that's what you are looking for out of my site. It's not my main purpose here, and it won't be. But thanks for the input.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm so tired

My Tuition Assistance hasn't come through, and if it doesn't by Wednesday, I can't start classes. And my class is a Thursday class. Peachy, huh?

Ziggy is still leaving on the 18th. He goes back to the doctor about his shoulder next week. I doubt he'll get disqualified from going. Dreaming is free, but I think reality has decided to prevail.

Today had so many sexual connotations to it at work, it wasn't funny. And it wasn't as though I was prompting anything, either. First off, Ziggy gets me all hot and bothered last night, and then rolls over and goes to sleep. And has been paying for it all day. I have taken every opportunity to pick on him about it, and to tease him mercilessly. I mean the sexual kind of teasing. Yea......vengance will be mine!!!!! Then, I get to work, and am talking to Kat and Paul. Kat is telling me that she has this pain in her back, and how it's really bothering her. Paul, rather innocently, tells her that it's probably muscle pain, and she just needs to rub it out. At that point, I had to walk out the door. Then, I have to check numbers on computers. The computers are on the floor, and I have to read the numbers on the back of them, meaning I have to bend over under desks. Well, one of the guys turns around and sees me hunched over under the desk, and tells me that I'd better not bend over like that in front of him, as he might be horny, and I might get stuck. wasn't my day to be horny.

Monday, January 02, 2006

I got tagged we go

- Rules of the GAME, The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic ‘5 weird habits about yourself', and people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

5. When I shower, I always rinse off the bottle of shampoo, soap, etc before I use it. Don't know why, but I always do it.

4. I never...Never.....NEVER write on the back of stationary. Ask anyone who's gotten handwritten letters from me....

3. When drunk, I talk to people, about themselves, in the third person.

2. Until sometime in May, I look at the clock and count 8 hours ahead.

1. I almost always sit with my legs folded under me....or atleast 1 of them.

Since Eunuch tagged me, I pass on to Brookie, Ultimate Debauchery, CrazyGirlCity, Machine, and the fabulous MissFifiLopez.

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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