Saturday, April 26, 2008

Personal best

I ran a 5k this morning, and I must say, all my running has been paying off. I ran the last 5k in 38:05, and today, I ran in 34:19. I feel awesome, not nearly as winded, not nearly as tired......feels great, in fact.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weight and running

Well, I have begun running more often, and it seems to be paying off. I finally broke the 160 mark, which had been rather difficult for me so far. I weigh 157lbs. Next stop, 150..........go me!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Looking to the Sky

As of Friday, there will be tv service in our house!! YAY!!!!!!! I will be so grateful not to watch the same Disney DVD over and over anymore. I ordered our box and service from Sky yesterday, and I get to see most of all my favorties, Histroy channel, the kids get Nickelodeon, Ziggy gets his sports. The only thing I don't think we get is Food network, and I'll miss the Iron Chef America show.

Trying to get regular classwork caught up so I can concentrate on finals in a week or so. I'd really like to do better on these finals than I did last semester. I have 54 credits left, and my oldest brother thinks I should go for my Master's. After I finish my Bachelor's, I'm going to need a break. I don't know if I want my Master's or not.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I've been doing more running, and it's feeling better. Did 2.7 miles the other evening in 30:30, and that last half of it was all uphill, so I feel pretty good about myself with that..

School is hectic, as always. I am almost hoping that I don't go to classes this summer (if my financial aid doesn't come in), so I can have a break. It's been pretty intense this semester.

I have an online stalker, ugh. No matter what I say, I cant' shake this guy. More to come.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Creepy fans and frustration

My writing alter ego has managed to gather some fans, I suppose. Usually when I'm asked for pictures and other personal items like that, I refuse, because, quite honestly my writing pseudonym is a persona, not as whole personality....It's an aspect of me, not all of me, and I guess not everyone sees that. But anyways, bottom line is this, someone found me. As in found my house, and showed up on my doorstep last week. Which was ok until yesterday, when this person sat outside my house for a while, waiting for me to walk outside. CREEPY!

Frustration.....I'm currently in a situation where I've previously chafed under certain things taking place, but now it's just gotten incredibly uncomfortable. I won't go into details, but just want to vent a bit that the frustration keeps building, and I worry that when it reaches the breaking point, it will get ugly, and quite honestly I'd rather head that type of thing off at the pass, and save myself any further frustration, if possible.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Have shoes, will run.....

I got my new running shoes in the mail today, and training will being in earnest for the Loch Ness 10K. I found a few new events to try around the area I live in, so I'll be doing some of that as well.

Still digging out of boxes.

House is a mess.....trying to clean it, I swear....

Friday, April 04, 2008

Home sweet internet

Well, the internet has arrived at my house, finally!!! Now I can do homework from the comfort of my own home, YAY!!!!!

This weekend I am going to Wales on a horseback riding trip, ladies only, with the ladies from the base. Should be a good time, I will take lots of pics. It will also be nice to have adult conversation, though I am sure that most of it will revolve around children....

School, all 4 classes, is going fairly well so far. I am trying to do much better this semester than I did last semester.

Ziggy killed the home PC. I have no idea how, but he did it. So we are trying to find everything and bring it back as much as possible.

Still trying to unpack boxes. We are making headway, though. More will be made next week, I am sure.

Well, I'd better get going and finish getting ready for Ziggy to come get me for my trip. Have a good weekend!

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
