Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Monday twice

Other has always had strict standards with which to conduct himself by in regards to mixing personal life with work( don't get me started on the irony of that statement), and he's pretty anal retentive about that. So when I get this frantic, almost tearful call on my cell yesterday, and it's not even 8:30 AM yet, I'm thinking something must be SERIOUSLY wrong for him to break his own rule of not making personal calls at work. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Here's the basics.......his girlfriend was snooping on his computer, found some passwords and found his emails to me. She goes hysterical. She's rather immature and doesn't trust him. Anywho, the jist of the call, is him trying to placate her, and telling me he can't talk to me anymore. Ok, I'm insulted by this point, as I can hear her in the background, prompting him with what to say. That irritates me. Then he puts her on the phone. Totally uncalled for, and certainly unwelcome. Why? Cause it makes it look even more so that she has him by the short and curlys, and hasn't got the balls to talk to me himself. This angers me. Then she starts on this while schpeel of how she's just found someone to be with(guess her husband didn't count), and that if I want to stay married to Ziggy---at this point in the conversation, her talking was done. More or less, in the nicest manner I could muster at that time, I told her that if she cares that much about Other, she needs to shit or get off the pot and get the damned divorce. And then I hung up on her ass. I am beyond reasonably pissed off when I hang up on people. Oh, and just for the whole fun factor, Ziggy was sitting there listening to every word. Of course, I have the luxury of a very stable marriage, in which there is trust on both sides, and Ziggy knows I'm just friends with Other.

At this point, I went off on Other for the whole deal. Irate is a good word. Come to find out, he's been lying to me, as well as the rest of his friends. Yea, I was ready to blow my temper when I learned that. So I bitch him out. I feel betrayed and deeply hurt. He knows this. And if, for some odd reason, he should happen to read this - I am standing by you, against the advice of a couple of friends OF YOURS.......DO NOT LET ME DOWN.

Today, the pain really hit me hard, despite my happy meds.

90 days left. The good news, I have applied for 3 jobs. I am still looking around for others. I am more than likely going in the Reserves. I should find out this week what job I'll have.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

OMG.....it's been a while!!!!

I have to apologize for the serious lack of posting...........

It's been so hectic lately, it's not even funny. I was talking to Eunuch yesterday, while hashing(I'll tell that story in a bit), and I was telling him that despite all my best preparations for my transition back to civilian life( the count is now 99 days, so I've dipped into the double digits now), I am still terrified silly to get out of the military. And, thankfully, Eunuch said that he totally saw my reasons for why............yea, so I'm still terrified.

For those who didn't know, I was rather ill for a while there. As in praying for death as long as the pain would stop. What I htought was a simple UTI, turned out to be a terrible kidney infection. Pain beyond that of labor, fevers like crazy, racing heart rate, all the stuff of scaring my primary care doctor into sending me to the Naval hospital to be treated. I was hating the fact I was still alive..I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, was barely conscious............Ziggy was terrified.....

I went back to work, only to find myself seriously trying to catch up to myself. I am about a month behind, mentally, so I'm still trying to get back on track at work. What really freaked me out, was looking at my outprocessing checklist and at my desk calendar, and it hitting me square between the eyes that I have a little over 3 months left in the military. AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea, more screaming to come on that count.

Alright, the hashing story. After reading Eunuch's stories of various hashes and such, I let curiosity get the best of me, and taggled along with Eunuch to a hash with the Fort Eustis Hash House Harriers, the longest continuous hash in the country. SO I went. As a virgin. I got muddy. I got wet. I had a massive headache, but had a blast nonetheless. Eunuch and I spent most of the time deep in conversation about various topics, which is nothing new for he and I. Eunuch is one of those folks that I can sit and chat with and hours are lost seemingly immediately. Good stuff. So we chatted, we hashed and a great time was had.........and then he tried to roast me out of the car....LOL......I will have to do that again, that was a good time.......

So my 3rd wedding anniversary has passed, and I am not waiting for a divorce to come final. This is nice.

This week has Scout turning 11 on Wednesday. Also, more outprocessing to be done, as my orders are supposed to be ready this week. Yea.......

I'll try not to wait so long between posts from now on....

Sunday, January 07, 2007

My anniversary

Hey, I just noticed something.............I've had this blog for 2 years now.......wow.

No rest for the weary..

I can't sleep. My mind is still running a few million miles a minute.......and I don't have a good reason for why.......

There is an old friend of mine that is trying to get back into my good graces. He and I had a serious falling out over a minor thing called he lied to me repeatedly for years......I'm not ready to forgive this guy, I don't care what his wife wants me to do or believe....

We bought a new PC, I don't know if I mentioned that. So begins the arduous task of transferring things to it from the old one. Fun fun fun. Ok, not really, but's it's nice to have an up-to-date machine finally.

Well, I'm going to go for now......I'll update some more this week, of course.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Well, I took my Tuition Assistance in to the college, and they put it in the computer, so why does it show up that I haven't paid my tuition??? I'll have to call the school Monday.

MiniZiggy was sick for a couple days, but is doing much better now. Maybe he will learn not to eat crayons......

I have 114 days left in the military. It's feeling really freaky.......

That's about all I have for right now.....

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
