Wednesday, September 26, 2007


As I write this, I fail to understand the circumstances bringing out such jealousy in Ziggy. He is currently having a conniption fit. See, a week or so ago, a friend of ours sent me a pic on my cell phone. It didn't come through on my phone, so I looked it up on the net, like the good little web geek I am. Apparently Ziggy found the pic, and no, it wasn't of this guy's face. I tell the guy not to send me pics like that, he agrees, and I figure the situation is handled. What I don't know at the time, is that Ziggy has found the pic on the PC, and is angry about it. He never mentions anything to me about it, either. Well, here we are, a week or so later, and the guy asks me why Ziggy is threatening him over that pic. From what I understand, Ziggy threatened to tell the guy's wife or something. I try to tell Ziggy that he's overreacting, I had handled it and now he's churning it all up again, and so far, it's not seeming to change anything. So yea, I am lost.......Ziggy has never been like this, and I'm lost as to what to do about it. I did what I thought was best and now Ziggy is going wild over it, without having asked me anything. This dredges up memories I'd rather not remember.....

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well, well, well.......

We are no closer to knowing if we are going to Germany or not. Still no word. This is crazy, I hate being in limbo.

My manager and I went to a business in Nags Head, NC, and they may actually let us do their benefits. If so, this will be a great money maker for me!!!! Then maybe Ziggy won't be so negative about my job, if I get this.

Also, I am going for a job interview tomorrow. It's a medical job, which may be nice. But I'm not holding my breath. We'll see.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Letting go

I am always the one to let go last. But I am doing it, finally. All contact with you is going away. It kills me to walk away, but you'll be fine, and so will I. I won't forget, and I hope you don't, either.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Taking a break

Not from blogging. But the MySpace crowd. I'm just not as into it as others, and I figure that if folks want to keep up with me, there's email, phone and this blog.

The Lunatic Luau, a 13 band rock concert event, is this coming Saturday, and I am so stoked! Ziggy can't make it, so a friend of ours, Dave(guy I did the Mud Run with) is stepping in to be my 'date'. Hinder, Papa Roach, Operator, Tesla, and a bunch more bands will be there. It's going to be a good time.

I really filled my semester up this go around. But I think I can handle it. I haven't been doing as much business, so my time will be filled with school work, and house work.

We are supposed to hear this week, whether we are definitely going to Germany or not. I just wish they would tell us already, this limbo bit is annoying. More to come, of course.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

School is in, and my baby is soooo smart!!!!

Scout comes bouncing in from his first day of middle school, and starts telling me about his day, and about his schedule. I am SOOOO proud of my baby!!!!!! I wish his father could see him!!!!!!! He's in all HONORS classes, and is doing Pre-Algebra in the 6th grade!!!!!!!! My baby is gonna change the world someday!!!!!!!

I started a new college this week. Liking it so far, hating all the administrative crap that goes with it, though.

Well, I am going to make this one rather short.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Vacation and birthday

So today is my 30th birthday. Doesn't feel much different, I suppose. ABout like 19, I guess. That between age, when you aren't a teen really, but you aren't officially in your 20's, either. Such is 29. So I am glad to say that I have passed that ackward age, and am officially 30. I have been looking forward to 30 for so long, that it almost seems like a null issue. Eh, I made it. I am 30.

MiniMachine turned 1 on 27 August. Yikes. A year went by way faster than with MiniZiggy. I've said it before, and I'll say it again........if you ever want to see time fly, have kids.

Vacation. HA! Another non-item. My mother managed to ruin it rather well. And earlier than I had expected. My mother lit into Scout for believing Buddhism rather than Christianity. Oh, the Holy Rolling really got going, let me tell you! She told him that he's going to burn in hell. She threatened to slap him for refusing to tell her that he loves Jesus( ain't Christian love just PEACEFUL and ACCEPTING???). Yea........not the most pleasant of situations. So Ziggy decides to jump in and deflect my mom off Scout, and onto himself. At this point in time, I walked out of the condo. I try to avoid conflict with my mom, which means that I walk on glass a good bit around her. Well, my mother gets her dander up, and when Mama ain't happy, neither is Daddy. Whether or not he knows what's going on. And to make things even more interesting, my dad (bless his heart, the man is 79 years old, folks) is still about 10 minutes behind the trigger when it comes to keeping up with conversations, since he had his stroke. So, in true form, about a half hour after all the dramatics, my dad catches up, and starts throwing his temper around, causing more tension. Which, of course, Daddy doesn't remember because well, Daddy's old and has earned the right to forget most everything. Well, an hour or so goes by, and my mother declares that she and Daddy are leaving by themselves for dinner. She made a point of saying it was without us, since she's so disgusted and disappointed that she's considering going back to Georgia. And with that, they left. Ziggy and I pack up the kids and our stuff(no small feat, travelling with 3 kids requires a good bit of stuff) and leave for Virginia. I call my mom to tell her where the key to the condo was left, and then she starts in on her lecture. I admit it, freely, I wanted to hear nothing she had to say. So I hand the phone to Ziggy, to deal with the situation, and to say to her, everything that I am too chicken to say. Situations like this are exactly why I love Ziggy. He will lay it all out, in the most blunt of terms, shut up his targets protests, and doesn't care if the other person likes him or what he's said. Me? I care too much, so am much weaker at this. Anyways, I digress. Ziggy promptly tells my mother where to get off, and why. Somehow, things get smoothed over, and we go back to the condo to finish the vacation. THat was Tuesday.

Thursday night, Ziggy and I put the kids to bed, and ask my mom if she minds if we go mini-golfing and get out for a while. She says no, she doesn't mind. Let me remind the reader, THE KIDS ARE IN BED, except for Scout, who can handle himself. Ziggy and I go mini-golfing. And I shot a respectable score, never made it to the max amount of strokes for each hole. Go me. ANywhoo............after mini-golfing, Ziggy and I stop at this little Japanese restaurant to eat, cause we are hungry. We get back, roughly 4 hours after we have left. My mother is up waiting for us(did I mention we are both, as of the time, 29 years old???) and then has the balls not to want to let us in the door. Her reasoning? We 'dumped the kids off with her, to take care of, on HER vacation'. I mentioned that MiniZiggy and MiniMachine were asleep before Ziggy and I went out, right? Good, just checking. Yea, so she rants off about having to stay up to wait for us, etc, etc, thus pissing Ziggy off thoroughly.

Bottom line, Ziggy doesn't want to spent any more time with my parents - ever, if it can be helped.

We also went to the Citadel, to see a parade by the Corps of Cadets there, as my nephew is a student there. Was going great until the skies dropped unending rain on it. No more parade. But I got to see my nephew and my brother and sister in law. That wasn't too unpleasant.

So Scout goes to middle school, starting Tuesday. I start a new college Tuesday, and go back to work. Ugh. We'll see how all this fun adds up and what happens.

That's all for now.....I'm going to start updating this more......

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
