Friday, March 31, 2006

Got this on email, loved it, thought I'd share

THINK ABOUT THIS FOR A MOMENT!North Dakota News. This text is from a county emergency manager out inthe western part of North Dakota state after the recent snow stormweather bulletin.Up here in the Northern Plains we just recovered from a Historicevent--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" ---with a historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPHthat broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundredsof motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores ofcommunities and cut power to 10's of thousands.FYI:George Bush did not come.FEMA did nothing.No one howled for the government.No one blamed the government.No one even uttered an expletive on TV.Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.Our Mayor's ! did not blame Bush or anyone else. Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else either .CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5snow storm and nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.No one looted.Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.Nobody expected the government to do anything either.No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and NoGeraldo Rivera. No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Streisand, No Hollywood typesto be found.And Nope, we just melted the snow for water, sent out caravans of SUV'sto pluck people out of snow engulfed cars. The truck drivers pulledpeople out of snow banks and didn't ask for a penny. Local restaurantsmade food, and the police and fire departments delivered it to the snowbound families.Families took in the stranded people - total strangers. We Fired up woodstoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Coleman lanterns. We put on anextra layers of clothes because up here it is "Work or Die".We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out ofa mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that tradesvotes for 'sitting at home' checks.Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen thisearly, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves. "In mymany travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate."It does seem that way, at least to me.Maybe... SOME people will get the message. The world does NOT owe you aliving, but will always help whenever and however they can!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Big Sexy and an update

I work with 2 girls that call me Big Sexy. They say that's my new porn name.....LOL. I think they are trying to make me feel better since I am so big, so quick into this pregnancy.

I have to write a paper for my Social Ethics class. Trying to drag out all arguments as to why abortion should remain legal because I don't feel that the government should dictate what people will do with their bodies has become a rather daunting task. So far I have about 3 and a half pages. And 2 weeks until it is due. The paper is supposed to be 10 pages. I'm not that long winded.....

Ok, am I the only person on the planet who is totally over Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? Pop the little ankle biter and get married for crap's sake. The sooner that happens and the divorce begins, the sooner we can all say we knew it was coming and they can move on...

Oh, and just to throw my own 2 cents' worth in about Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey......Let me boil that whole bit down for you.......Virgin decides she wants to get laid. She gets married. Heaven forbid her husband wants to be the man in her life, not her Daddy. She gets a taste of freedom from the parents...she gets a bit of fame for being a dumb blonde on TV.....she gets laid, and well, so long Nick!! She goes home to the true man in her life, her Daddy. Personally, I wanted to see those 2 make it together. I love Nick Lachey. I wouldn't kick him out of the bed for eating crackers, that's for sure. I'd take Jessica Simpson's sloppy seconds. I think he's too smart for her, and we have 3 seasons of Newlyweds as proof that he's certainly more mature than her. Jessica needs to grow up and lose her manager Daddy. Hell, when your dad is talking about your tits on TV, and this man was a minister, something should tell you that something isn't right about that. We'll see her scantily clad in Maxim before too long. Maybe she and Britney will do some duets to rev up their dead careers....The only thing that made Jessica Simpson was being married to Nick Lachey..........I don't blame him a bit for wanting that boulder of a ring back.

The backyard fence is being finished here in the next couple weeks. I am so glad.......I can't put into words how happy I am that it will be done.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Weird dream

So the weird pregnancy dreams have begun.....Case in point....

I dreamed last night, that I was at work, and I went to the doctor. Now, I am only 3 months along so I am not showing as much as someone who's 6 months, or nearly to their due date. In my dream, I am as far along as I am now. So I go to the doctor, and I fall asleep at the office, so I have no real idea of what is going on. The next thing I know, I am being awakened on an operating table, and told that the baby will have to come by C section. I go back to sleep. Well, I wake up a bit later, and the little technician come in and asks me how I feel, and I am allowed to get up and walk around. So I am walking around this hospital, which is attached to a mall. And people that I know from work come in and ask me how I am, what the baby weighs, all that. And I have no idea because I haven't seen the baby yet. So I go back to the nurse's station and I ask them for my baby. They tell me that the baby was put in the room where all the ones that are ready to go home are put, and this freaks me out a bit. They bring me this bundle wrapped in blankets, and assure me that the baby was born full term(because I told them that I was only 3 months along), and is perfectly healthy. I turn the bundle towards me, and it might a well have been MiniZiggy, as alike as the two looked. This shock of blonde hair(and a full head of it) and big blue eyes looks at me from the blanket and smiles. There's a full set of teeth in this baby's head!!! And, to my shock, it's another boy, not the girl that we had been thinking it was. Quite a shock. Anyways, so Ziggy's grandparents pick me up at the hospital, and we go to a hotel where they were staying. And I hardly see the baby after that.......

Yup the weird dreams have begun....

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Scout's stunt

I took Scout to have his pictures made for baseball. I left, telling him that I was going to go feed MiniZiggy(who hadn't had breakfast yet), and then I'd be back. Confident that if he was done before I went to pick him up, he'd call me, as he usually does.

I get home, feed MiniZiggy, and then he decides to take a nap. So I settle in and figure Scout is going to call me. The phone rings, and it's the Chesapeake Police Dispatcher, asking if I was supposed to pick Scout up after baseball. Apparently, rather than call me, he decided to walk home. When he got to the on-ramp for I-64, someone saw him, pulled over, and called the police, in fear that he was going to get hit by a car trying to cross the street. So the police called me to verify the address that Scout had told them, and let me know that they were bringing him home.

I about had a heart attack. He's never tried something like this before, and I'm not sure why he picked now to try it. I asked him why he didn't just call me, and he tells me that everyone left before he got a chance to call. Not that I'm buying that story....but still......

I think I have a few more gray hairs now...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Talk about freaky

I tell you, Kermit is really starting to freak me the hell out.

Let me explain, for a bit, why my blood pressure was going so high the other day.

I sent Cadillac this silly little forward, and he emails me back. Asks me if Ziggy told me what he'd told Ziggy. I tell him no, and ask what's happened now, figuring that it's something stupid, like someone got smacked in the head doing something stupid, stuff like that. It happens when deployed. Oh no, none too simple.....Cadillac decides to drop a bomb on me.

That Kermit, the Troll, and Der Fuhrer all want to write me this really awful evaluation(EPR to those Air Force types), and start trying to kick me out of the Air Force. I went ballistic. I was bloody furious. Yes, I am getting out of the Air Force, but to start something like this when I am 12 months from being out as it is, is really pretty pointless. So Cadillac and I go back and forth on email about this, me freaking out the entire time. Well, I have gotten so upset by all this that I grab my new civilian boss(I need a name for him...........Stretch sounds good) and tell him what's happened, and ask him what he knows. Well, apparently he went to his boss, the Troll, and mentioned it all to him, and said that I was probably going to come and see him about it. Apparently the Troll went to see Kermit about it, and told him to straighten this out. All of this is last Friday.

So Monday morning, Kermit finds me and tells me to print out the email Cadillac sent me, and come see him for a talk. heart starts punding, blood pressure soaring..I just know that I'm going to get into a yelling match with Kermit, right? I mean, he and I bicker and fight more than me and my ex husband ever did. And that's pretty bad. Anyways, I go in the office, and Kermit asks me, first thing, "Do you think Cadillac is trying to look out for you and be a friend to you?" My answer? No. I might be crazy, but I'm not that stupid. So we get to chatting, and he tells me how he doesn't see the need to write me this awful evaluation. And how Cadillac is trying to stir up shit, and has tried this twice before, and was slapped back down both times. And that Cadillac is trying to use me as a puppet in the whole thing. I tell him what little of that scheme I know, just from what Cadillac related to Ziggy. Kermit doesn't seem surprised by this. He even whips out this mysterious email that Cadillac kept referring to but wouldn't give me until he comes back(which made it all the more suspect). So Cadillac has taken the email that I read completely out of proportion. Does this suprise me? No, not really. Kermit asks me about my plan once I am out of the Air Force, and I run it down for him, the whole thing, down to where I want to get into to work when I'm done with school, etc, etc. Kermit says, "So you've got this thought out, and you have it planned and are just collecting a paycheck til you get out?" I tell him, yes, pretty much. Paying the bills til my time in is done and then the government pays for what I want to do with my life. So he says how he doesn't want Cadillac and his ambitions to upset me, since in my condition, too upset could cause a miscarriage. He tells me that if I need anything, to call him, since I am still a part of Auschwitz, they will take care of me, and that if I need anyone beat down, to let him know and he'll handle it. All very civil, extremely calm, and damned considerate, which was a shock. I think I got a few more gray hairs out of the experience, actually. I mean, it was scary how pleasant this whole thing went. And I have a feeling it's not going to bode well for Cadillac. I think he's going to get bitch slapped for trying to stir shit again, just from one comment that Kermit made. He asked if he could keep the email, and I said sure, and he asked that anything else like that I received from Cadillac be forwarded on to him. He said that it was probably going to get filtered back down through the First Seargent, which doesn't bode well for Cadillac. That could amount to a bitch slapping, atleast in military terms. I'm glad I went to Stretch and told him what was wigging me out, otherwise, things could have gone really badly with me and Kermit and all that. Anyways, going on everything I have experienced with Kermit since I got here, that was mind blowing....almost out-of-body-experience worthy....

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Mild update

Scout is playing baseball this Spring, and the practices are at weird times.

Work is trying to stress me out and raise my blood pressure. Oh, that inspection that everyone was having a hissy fit about? LOL....what a joke. The inspector spent more time shotting the bull with people than he did looking at anything. We could have swept the floors and called it good, and he'd have never known the difference. What a crock.......

Missing Ziggy a good bit. Whenever I get stressed, he tends to step in and help aleviate it. He's great at this. Too bad he's not home. Eh, he's about halfway through his deployment, and it won't be long before we are planning for him to come home. The boys miss him, I miss him....we're all just ready for him to be home with us.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

And it continues.......

I went to my Orientation to OB class this morning. I told my boss that it was from 9AM til 1PM. I even called him after it was over(at 1:45 in the afternoon) and told him I was out of that, headed to grab lunch, and then come back to the office. So what do I get greeted with when I get back? "We need to talk, ma'am, because that briefing shouldn't have gone through lunch. You're away too much."

Oh, this was also after I told him this morning that I was going to need to take a day of leave(just 1, mind you) so the plumber could finish fixing Scout's bathroom next week. The answer I got from that? "I don't give much time off." Guess what fucker, you don't have a choice.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Get this shit

I'm at work today, and one of the civilians that's a mechanic, pulls me over to the side, and tells me that he overheard my civilian boss and HIS civilian boss(TheTroll) talking about writing me up for emailing too much....I'm thinking WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!

So I email my paperwork supervisor, Cadillac and tell him the whole thing. His answer???? Get ready for it.....'Think positive'. I can't pretend that I found that the least bit helpful. But what did I expect, I mean, REALLY..........

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Completely useless

Ya ever feel completely useless at work? Well, I got a doseful of it today. See, I don't actually buy any of the parts in the shop. I don't have a Government Purchase Card. Therefore, I don't buy shit. Most of the working stock that I was updating in the computer system, is done, so there again, I have jack shit to do. I didn't have any runs to make, which was ok, since I'm not 'supposed' to be the runner anyways. I invoiced the things that came in, got tools for people, got chemicals for them, etc. I am a fucking glorified secretary.

What do I do when I have, well, nothing to do at work? I surf the net. I read up on the news sites, see what's going on in the world. I catch up on my blogs that I read on a regular basis. I surf for my classes for next semester. I email my husband and a couple friends. That last one was a touchy subject today. My boss(a civilian, mind you) tells me that I really need to watch how much I email, because it takes too much of my time. Hell, I did my boss's job today, so he could write 3 awards packages. Anyways, I was told that all the emailing I do is going to get me into trouble. What the fuck else am I supposed to do all damned day?

Yesterday he sent me on a 4 hour run. And then wanted me to go out again(to a vendor that delivers every hour) and get something small that was going to be coming with the vendor in an hour anyways. Why? Because I don't buy parts, and the computer shit is done, so there's not much for me to do. By the way, did I mention that I don't have a Government driver's license, and that I have to drive a Government vehicle to go on these runs? Makes me want to get a ticket on base and make my boss squirm on a hook.

So I guess I am supposed to sit at the desk, stare off into space and not do a damned thing. Ok, I can do that. But that goes against the first rule of working in the military. LOOK BUSY. Yea.....great, huh?

So I'm sitting there doing his mindless data entry today, and he's asking me all these English grammar questions for this package that he's writing. I make the comment that I will never have to worry about any of that. He asks me why not, not being an NCO? I tell him that aside from that, I've never been put in for any awards. I've been in the Air Force for 5 years, and I don't have a 5-level, have only tested for E5 once, and will get out in a year with all that same status. He looks at me a bit floored. He's a retired E7. So this news of my career kind of surprises him. And it got me thinking.......

I have looked back over my 5 years in the Air Force, and I can honestly say that only 4 months of my time was actually useful and productive. And that was the 4 months I spent in Iraq, armoring the trucks that went on the convoys. My first year in the Air Force was marked by training, which is normal for anyone just joining and hitting the street in the military. I got to my first assignment with a world of problems. My then-husband hadn't paid any of our bills while I was in training, so we were in serious financial trouble. I found out I was pregnant, which killed my training, as pregnant women aren't allowed to work on the floor as mechanics. After the miscarriage, I was left in an office to do basically nothing for 5 months. I was finally put on the floor and my training begun, such as it was. My first trainer spent more time trying to get into my pants than teaching me anything. The one after him decided that I couldn't learn the job since I had to ask him questions after having things explained once. He then gave up on me, and blew off my training. When I went to all the proper authorities to report all of this, I was laughed at, blown off, and sent on my way. And then I was laughed at for trying to fix the fact that I was being discriminated against, by my own chain of command. By the time all of this was done, I was pregnant with MiniZiggy, and back in an office while all the investigations and laughing was being done. We then moved to Virginia.

Things got no better in Virginia. I got here, had a baby, and was out on maternity leave for the first 2 months I was stationed here. Then I was out of training, as technically, I had no job title. Then I was put back into training, under the management of Der Fuhrer and Kermit. Neither of whom relish the idea of a woman in an automotive shop. My boss, Cadillac, did even less to train me. Then I got deployed to Iraq. Where I armored the 5 ton trucks that went on convoy duty. The most productive I have ever been in the military. And then I came back to Virginia. I came back in October, and was shuffles around my own shop until I found out I was pregnant in January. Now I sit in an office where I don't actually do the job that is done in that office. I am back to square one. I am useless. I am a Senior Airman that merely fills a seat and collects a paycheck on the first and 15th of every month. No matter how well I do whatever job is asked of me, I am always judged against the last female that did this, and she was absolutely worthless. So I must be as well, don't expect too much of SrA Seigerman.

I look at my last 5 years, and I wonder what the hell all the ribbons on my chest mean. That I was in for a certain amount of time, served in certain places in the timeframes to get certain awards, and oh, by the way, I am a war vet. I have the medal stating that I did time in Iraq, during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. But nothing remarkable. I look at Ziggy's record, all the plaques he has of the awards he's won, and I look at myself and see failure. Ziggy was Airman of the Quarter, Year, all that. Multiple times over. He made E5 in an accelerated time frame. He has awards an accolades up to his eyeballs. And I have a plaque that was forcibly given to me, simply because I am his wife, that says, in a nutshell, 'Thanks for showing up.' I didn't really DO anything in the military. And in one year's time, I will be discharged from the Air Force, and very quickly forgotten by all that know of me IN the Air Force. With the exception of Ziggy himself, of course.

As a child, I wanted to be in the military, and to be someone among the servicemembers. With a year left in my enlistment, I am simply an Iraqi War Veteran, and they are a dime a dozen.

Yea, so I feel completely useless.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Circus experience

Last night I took the kids to the circus. MiniZiggy screamed through about 20-30 minutes of the first half. It was so loud it freaked him out. Poor little guy was shaking like a leaf and clinging to me as though he were trying to get away from the noise. Then I guess he wore himself out with the screaming, and just sat in my lap and watched what was going on and sucked his thumb.

The second half was a bit better, he sat up and pointed at things and said, 'EEeeeoooowwww' when he saw the woman with the cats. It was cute, him pointing at to say "Mama, look at that!"

They wanted $19.50 a ticket, which I thought wasn't too bad for a military priced ticket. The programs were $15 a pop. A stuffed elephant(Ziggy's favorite) was $25........what a rip off, but they will make a pile of money because they know people will buy the stuff for their kids. I didn't.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The hatred of people

There's a man that works in my office that just hates the world, and all the people in it. What's truly amusing about it, is the man professes to being a Christian. Love Jesus, man. And he's retired from the Navy. He's also black. Got the mental picture going? Good.......

This man sits in the back of our section and seemingly does nothing but complain. The Lord doesn't want us(the military) in Iraq. The Lord will have his vengence on us for messing with the Middle East. We(all of us GI's) need to get out of the military lest we be smited by The Lord for participating in a war.

I made mention that I am an impatient person, and 10 months is a LONG time to be pregnant. He starts about 'What if your baby decided to punch out at 3 months?' 'What if your baby decided to be impatient?' 'Then what are you going to do?" Um, well, that'd be a miscarriage, and nothing I can control. Yea....he takes EVERYTHING to a serious extreme. This man is Al Sharpton in training. Al Sharpton who said that the reason the levies broke in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina was because of reverse racism. Lord save me from these idiots.

I have 14 months left in the military. He started in on me this morning about how 'you can let your circumstances rule you, or you can rule your circumstances." Let me run down my circumstances.......I have 14 months left in the military, I am pregnant, so that restricts me for a good portion of the 14 months, and all I am doing is plugging along, collecting my paycheck and going to school on the government's dime. In short, I don't give a shit. I am paying off bills so that when I am out, we are not squeezing money out of thin air. I have my shit together, thank you very much, Mr. High and Mighty.

We keep lots of tool boxes in this section. To maintain vehicles, folks must have tools. Well, this person keeps up with all the boxes, the inventories, the broken tools, etc........and every person that walks back there gets an earful, willingly or not, of how he has single-handedly spearheaded the program to get all the toolboxes in order........and then says that he's not trying to blow his own much for humility...

This man just pisses me off. He's such a hypocrite that he wouldn't see if the Lord Jesus handed it to him on a silver platter......

I hate proud people like that.....

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
