Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why I was never quite sure about being with Ziggy

Back when Ziggy and I first started dating, I wasn't so sure that things were going to actually go anywhere. Yes, Ziggy is a great guy. He was then, too. There were two things that kept me from thinking that anything serious was going to happen with him. 1. The dog I had at the time and 2. Ziggy's asshole factor. Now, to explain the dog, you have to understand that I love the breed of dog that is a Siberian Husky, or Alaskan Malmute. Think the dogs from the movie Snow Dogs....sled dogs, basically. I had one, a beautiful black and white Siberian named Sasha. The serious downside to that breed is that they are double coated, and tend to shed repeatedly. Well, when Ziggy and I started dating, and he would come over, my dog would rub against him, wanting to be petted. Thus, leaving white hair on his pants. To which he'd freak out over(yes, the man with a very very relaxed sense of fashion freaked over something like this), and try to avoid my dog at all costs. I'm a firm believer that if a potential significant other can't deal with your kids or your pets, they are worth keeping around for all the aggravation. Ziggy was great with Scout, but Sasha was another ballgame entirely. Thus my concern over things with him.

As for the asshole factor, Ziggy is a good bit like his father, but much more like his brother. For as long as I can remember, Ziggy has warned me about his brother, about how to be careful what I say or do around him or else he'll get pissed and either tell me off(big whoop, in my opinion) or I won't be allowed around the family. Yes, you read that correctly.....spouses and significant others that don't behave get excluded in that family. Anyways, my brother in law has a quick tongue and little to no remorse for what he says to people, and in this way Ziggy is very much like him, though the brother is younger than Ziggy. Anyways, Ziggy would let whatever was in his mind come out of the mouth, and little care for what he said or the effects of what he said had on others. So he was percieved, by me, as a nice guy for the most part, but a serious jerk as well. I didn't think he would be any kind of polite to anyone unless it benefitted him. I thought this for a long time, actually. Which is why, when he asked me to marry him, I didn't think it would really happen. I thought he'd get tired of me and move on. It was an impression that I got any time he would tell me about his past relationships and how things went with them. So in a way I was waiting on the other shoe to drop and him to move on. Part of me still waits on it.

I explain all this in order to tell why I am so upset right now. The last time I was made this upset by Ziggy was this time 2 years ago, and it concerned what became MiniZiggy, and whether or not we'd be together with that baby. Anyways, I was on the phone with Ziggy the other night, and I was explaining something to him about Scout, and I tried to explain it to where Ziggy would catch it. Ziggy doesn't always understand things regarding kids without a bit of explanation so I was trying to explain. Well, Ziggy got a bit short with me, making me wonder what the hell was going on. He whipped out asshole over it to, and it stung. I have always feared Ziggy's asshole side because I firmly believe that truth comes out in what you say when you are angry, drunk or under anesthesia. I have never been strong enough to fight Ziggy's asshole side, I usually back off and try to disappear to lick my wounds in private rather than confront him with it. It tends to bring out more of it in him. And I tend to try to avoid him whipping it out on me.( Sorry I'm so long-winded today) it bothers me, and it has upset me, as being as he doesn't read my blog, I don't have to worry about hearing about it. I can write this into the oblivion that is the internet and let it fly, and few will know of it.

So thanks for letting me get that off my chest, what few readers I have......


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

More of the 100 things about me

63. I don't like to be given roses as a gift.......but I enjoy growing them.

64. I have a phobia about having IV's placed in my hands, that if I have them, I won't be able to use my hands anymore.

65. I'm one of those people who likes their routines, and doesn't like sudden changes in them.

66. I like to have a plan as to what's going on.

67. I believe that it's true that you can always tell how a man will treat a spouse or significant other by the way he treats his Mama.

68. In the 10 years I've been a Mom, I've made KoolAid only once........and that was today.

69. I spoil those I husband, my kids(in moderation), my close friends, etc.

70. I believe every woman should own and drive a pickup truck atleast once in her life.

71. I like the color pink, but I don't wear much of it.

72. LASIK eye surgery was the best money I have ever spent on myself.

73. I don't wear red because of my Daddy. Daddy believed that only whores wore red(Daddy's very traditional and old school), so it's rare that I do it.

74. I like everyone until I am given a reason not to. And then I tolerate them, but any respect I may have had is shot.

75. I have a habit of being bluntly honest, to the point of pain.

76. If given a choice between wearing desert uniforms(DCU's) and Battle Dress(BDU's), I'll take DCU's any day of the week.

77. Although I love to make desserts(especially when pregnant), I don't eat them much.

78. I believe that Bambi is a cartoon character, and venison is my dinner.

79. Above all, I want my kids to never have to question whether or not I loved them.

80. I think professional athletes get paid WAYYYY too much, along with folks in the entertainment industry.

81. I love email......but I'd rather correspond by snail mail.....

82. I don't mind doing laundry, I just really hate folding and putting it away.

83. I learned most of what I know about money from my Daddy and my oldest brother.

84. I believe that we ought to be able to 'opt out' of the social security taxes and that doesn't pay much anyways......

85. I believe that people have taken perception as fact too much......

86. I like small towns much better than big cities.

87. I believe in ghosts. I've seen a few.

88. One of my favorite topics in history is Egyptology.

89. I think our government needs to take a look at the history of the Roman Empire.......and take notes.

90. I believe that there's a major overhaul due for the auto industry in the US.

91. I enjoy a good 2 mile run. More miles if I'm stressed out.

92. According to my grandmother, my family can be traced back to Pocahontas. Neat, if it's true.

93. I believe abortion is a personal issue, not one that should be decided by the government.

94. I don't think it matters if a prisoner feels pain when being put to death. They're going to die anyways, and it's likely to be an easier death than whatever crime they committed to land themselves in the execution position anyways.

95. I think criminals should lose most of their rights when put in jail. They violated the law, they lose rights and social status.

96. I collect sayings. You know, the ones that people put at the end of their signature block on email and such......I love them. Weird thing to collect, I know, but I like it.

97. I am proud to have served in Iraq.

98. I think President Bush has a good head on his shoulders. I think his actions and policies have more to do with the long term effects of things rather than the quick-fix right now......

99. I'm a registered Independent voter.

100. I vote, therefore I believe I have more right to bitch about the way things run in the government than those who don't vote.

Friday, April 21, 2006

100 things about me.....

This idea came from my friend Josh:

1. I was named after Christianity and the Virgin Mary - Christina Marie.

2. I was adopted when I was 4.

3. I'd rather not know my birth mother.

4. I love riding roller coasters, even though I get motion sickness.

5. I enjoy politics.

6. I can be very critical of both myself and others.

7. I love being a Mommy and a wife.

8. I'd rather read a good book than watch TV.

9. I love to cook, but hate cleaning up.

10. I wasn't a very good wife to my first husband.

11. I was very sheltered growing up.

12. I am looking forward to turning 30.

13. Ideally, I'd rather stay home with my kids than work.

14. I am more patient than I used to be, but that's not saying much.

15. I have a bad temper.

16. I just love my husband to death.

17. I love to travel and see new places.

18. My husband has had a calming effect on me.

19. I have very few real friends.

20. I am not someone who keeps up with the people I grew up with.

21. I want my oldest child to become so much more than his father did.

22. I don't mind moving around every few years.

23. I care less about what others think of me than I did 5 or 6 years ago. I think it's a good thing, too.

24. I have achieved most of my goals from high school, and a few others since then.

25. I believe that you can change your situation for either good or bad.

26. I would go back to Iraq, as long as I'm not on convoy duty.

27. I always wanted to be a writer.

28. In some ways, I grew up fast, and in some ways, it took longer.

29. I have always envied those who could be mean and rude with no remorse, as I felt over sensitive.

30. If I have my choice of pets, I choose dogs first.

31. I have always felt that I am constantly behind everyone else, and always playing catch-up.

32. I think that our culture has 'advanced' beyond reasonable bounds in lots of instances.

33. I think our political system could use refreshing and revising.

34. I love to quilt and sew.

35. I want to learn to play the piano.

36. I don't mind spending all my time with my husband.

37. I think I have a solid marriage with my husband.

38. I was raised to be deeply religious, though I think man's interpretation of religion has warped it.

39. I get really annoyed when people use their race, ethnic background, sexual orientation as a reason that they can't function normally in society.

40. My husband has taught me to loosen up and not be so sensitive. I think it's a good thing.

41. I would love to have a maid or atleast someone to vacuum and fold laundry for would help me out so much.

42. Since I had LASIK, I am more inclined to wear makeup and neat looking sunglasses.

43. Ziggy has made me more girly....this is good, I think...

44. I have always felt that since I had my first child so young, that raising him was more of a duty to me, and that I missed alot of neat things with him because of it.

45. I will be a nurse when I grow up......ok, I'll be a nurse, but I dont' think I'll ever completely grow up.

46. I want to take dancing lessons with Ziggy.

47. I cannot wait until my contract with the Air Force is completed.

48. I have 6 tattoos, and plan to get one or two more...

49. I couldn't work at Barnes &'d have to pay me in books.

50. I want to travel Europe.

51. My oldest brother and I have always been close, whereas my older brother and I kind of just tolerate each other.

52. I am not a very strong swimmer, though I enjoy going to the beach or a pool.

53. Although my passion is to work in the medical field, I don't believe in taking pills for everything when herbal remedies could work just as well or better.

54. I have only one friend who is dear enough to me that if he were to call right now and say he needed my help for something, I'd do everything I could to be on the next plane out to where he lives.

55. My actual job in the Air Force is kind of interesting to me, but I am not mechanically gifted....

56. I am not that big of a fan of tiny babies.......I like them when they are learning to eat baby food, and on up til they are about in kindergarten.

57. I don't have the patience to be a teacher...

58. I think Ziggy had a better childhood than I did, even though his parents seperated when he was 10.

59. I'd rather go visit my in-laws than my family.

60. I have always been close to my Grandmother. She doesn't judge me, and I love that about her.

61. One day I will return to Alaska and never leave again.

62. I don't regret joining the military....I met myself because of it.

Alright, guys, that's all I can think of right now......I'll continue when I've thought up more things......

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My soundtrack

I was reading Eunuch's blog the other day, and he was talking about how certain music defined certain times in his life.....I have decided to put a few of my own on here........

High school(91-95): Winds of Change by The Scorpions, and just about all of the Get a Grip soundtrack from Aerosmith.

Senior prom: Wonderful Tonight from Eric Clapton

Senior Military Ball(I was a ROTC geek): Stairway to Heaven from Led Zepplin.

Scout as a little kid: Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars by Bon Jovi(don't ask)

Post breakup with Scout's father: Unbreak my Heart from Tony Braxton

College: Freaker's Ball, I can't recall the artist.......don't ask

Moving to Alaska: Rusty Chevrolet by Da Yoopers

My divorce: Goodbye to You by Michelle Branch

Relationship with Other: Wake Me Up Inside, My Immortal by Evanscence and Here Without You from 3 Doors Down.

Relationship with Ziggy: Nothing Else Matters by Metallica, At Last by Etta James and multiple Frank Sinatra tunes.

Deployment to Iraq: Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

On with the story......and random

Ahh.....the story of how much a paradox I am in the Air Force. For those who regularly read my blog, you know that I am an oddity in the Air Force. My training, all of that. Well, you'll recall the post about my conversation with Kermit, regarding Caddillac, right? Oh, it gets better......

Cadillac tells Ziggy that I need to drop him an email and let him know my plans, if I am staying in, or getting out. Also, he wants to know what it would take to keep me in the Air Force. HA! I send it all to him, all the details for getting out and for what would keep me in. I didn't ask for money(the paycheck is enough for me), but I asked for what I wanted. He sends me this email back saying that I am asking a ton, and that he would have fought for me to stay in if I wanted to stay in. Why? Because he says that I am a good person. I the least bit stressed about this? Nope. But, according to Ziggy and Cadillac, people here at Langley have been aggravating him about what I'm going to do. Which seems one here uses the chain of command in the first place, and whenever they try, it's always wrong. Cadillac isn't my supervisor any more, and on top of that, he's deployed, so why ask him questions, when I am there in the shop and you can get answers straight from me, without all the run-around.

So, just to keep Auschwitz in the loop, I call up the shop and ask Der Fuhrer about all this, as Kermit is at a class. Yea, they know nothing of what Cadillac is referencing......big suprise there. I have no clue what Cadillac thinks he is trying to accomplish, but it seems to be a one-man mission....

Ziggy will be home the weekend that I am going to be in Charlotte for my neice's wedding. I can't wait!!!!!! He's started counting the days down......

I was thinking today, of how Ziggy and I got together, and it is rather surprising that we are together and have stayed together for as long as we have. We were raised very differently, and have had very different experiences in life, so it's amazing that we are together......

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Quiz from a friend of mine

1. FIRST NAME? Christina
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Christianity and the Virgin, I am not Catholic

3. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE BAND? Aerosmith or 3 Doors Down
4. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Uhh……. Yeah……..

7. KIDS? 2 boys, third child on the way

9. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? Does a blog count?
10. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Never.....note sarcasm
11. Do you still have your tonsils? yes

12. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? No, I like my hips attached where they are
13. WHAT IS YOU FAVORITE CEREAL? Froot Loops or Honey Smacks
17. SHOE SIZE? 7
18. RED OR PINK? Depends......
19. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVOITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I am slow with comebacks and not good at insults
20. WHO DO YOU MISS? My exhusband, but my aim is improving......
22. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES YOU ARE WEARING? Black pants and I'm barefoot
23.LAST THING YOU ATE? Sandwich from Quizno's
24.WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The fan in the room I'm in
25. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? I hadn’t really thought about that
26. FAVORITE SMELL? Mama's home cooking!!!
30. FAVORITE DRINK? Dr. Pepper
31. FAVORITE SPORT? College football, baby!!!!
32. HAIR COLOR? Dark Brown
33. EYE COLOR? Brown
34. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? No I’m not visually impaired anymore
35. FAVORITE Food? Edible
36. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDING? Depends on my mood
37. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? um........don't remember
40. HUGS OR KISSES? MMMM......both
41. FAVORITE DESSERT? I dunno, I like lots of desserts
43. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Probably everyone
44. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? Loves of Charles II, and Vehicle Maintenance CDC's for STaff
45. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Don't have one
46. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? um........don't remember
47. FAVORITE SOUNDS? My youngest laughing, he's such a funny little guy
50. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Yes I do, and we'll leave it at that
51. WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU BORN? September 1, 1977 Atlanta, Georgia

Monday, April 10, 2006

Random thoughts

If people want to see how truly mortal they truly are, going to war is not necessary........just have children.....and then wait until that first child hits about 10 and starts doing the math as to how old you(the parent) will be when each of his or her's siblings are certain ages........then it hits you........I am terribly, terribly mortal. As Scout was SO good(note sarcasm) to remind me today.

I got to see MiniMachine on ultrasound today. No word on whether this one is a girl or a boy, but all looked well, as much as can be seen in this stage. Apparently I am a week farther along than I thought I was, which is fine by me. Scout got to see, too, he was tickled about that. Ziggy called and was excited to hear that we saw the baby on ultrasound, though he didn't get to. But I mailed him the pictures that they took, so maybe that will help a bit. He'll be home for the big ultrasound, though, and that's all the better. And even better news.......NOT HAVING TWINS!!!!!! This is definitely a single pregnancy, my doc was very thorough in checking....

My paper for my class that is due on Thursday night, is as done as it's going to get. I have 7 pages, and that was stretching it....Here's hoping that it's alright with my professor.

I had more to add, but have forgotten it........will update as it comes to me....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ok, I don't get it

I drive 30 miles to work every day, and 30 miles home. Along the highways I see what I am assuming are abandoned vehicles. And it never seems to fail, there's always an article of clothing(usually a T shirt, it appears) hanging out of the drivers' side door of the car. Now, what the hell is that for? Is it some signal that the owner/driver will not be returning for the vehicle? Did someone have a narrow escape from being swallowed by the car, and just the shirt remains? WTF?!?!?!!?

Just something I've noticed and been curious about.

Truer words haven't been spoken

"Cynthia McKinney is a racist," Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said on Fox News Channel, a day after abandoning his reelection bid under a cloud of ethics charges. "She has a long history of racism. Everything is racism with her. This is incredible arrogance that sometimes hits these members of Congress, but especially Cynthia McKinney."

I lived in Georgia at the time this woman was elected to office, and she has drawn attention to herself ever since. And I can't say that it's in a good way. If I recall right, there was a fuss made over the initial election that she won her seat in, as to the voting district boundaries and who was really supposed to vote in that particular district. Her victory hinged on it, if I remember right. This woman has been nothing but drama since day 1. I read that her own party wasn't even supporting her in this. That's very telling, as the Democrats are usually very supportive of their own, whether they are right or wrong. I think her days are numbered.

Monday, April 03, 2006

You have got to be kidding me

I go to my regular doc today, to get a referral to a civilian OB/GYN. Yea........they call up Tricare to see if they can refer me out, and get told that they can't. Oh, and to beat that, they mention that it is EXTREMELY difficult to refer out a active duty member to a civilian. As in it practically takes a death sentence to do it.

Peachy. This frustrates me more than I can relate. So I'm talking to my doc, a very nice lady, by the way, and I'm telling her my experiences with the healthcare here on base, my past medical history with having kids, etc, and she calls up to Labor and Delivery, and asks them to check the baby's heartbeat, for my peace of mind, as I am almost hysterical at this point.

We may all do a happy dance, we have a heartbeat!!!

But I still have to go see the lunatics here on base next week. I really don't like these people.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

13 months and counting

If I knew how to set up a counter on this thing, I would. But I am challenged that way. I have 13 months left in the U.S. Air Force, as of yesterday. And I can hardly wait to get back to the real world. I can't wait to wear normal clothes, and nothing that looks like everyone else at work. No more combat boots for me. No more having to watch how thick my bun is to stay in regulation. No more getting up at the butt crack of dawn!!!!!! And best of all........


Gotta love Honorable Discharge status.....

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
