Thursday, January 13, 2005

Sleepless night

It is almost 1 AM on Thursday, and I haven't been to bed yet. This is a bad thing, as I have to go to work in a few short hours. I was hoping that the exercise that has Ziggy and I working 12 hours shifts would be over tonight, but I don't think that's going to happen. So, I am up for the long haul, I figure. 3 hours and 15 minutes to go. Atleast until I have to get a move on to work.

You know, there are times when I feel like I am a part of no one's little group. To include Ziggy. I guess I take for granted that I am the only person he ever talks to during the day. That's my fault, I guess. I am too naive sometimes. Here lately I have felt more isolated from those around me, and I can't explain why. Like I'm just not wanted or welcome much of anywhere.

MiniZiggy has a cold, and I am wondering if it isn't getting worse. I was trying to burp him earlier, and he started to burp, then he coughed and then went into coughing like he was going to vomit, and all he got up was a little bit of phlegm. Poor baby, I felt bad for him. He had this look on his face as though he was asking what was happening to him. I may have to take him to the doctor if it keeps up.

Mine and Ziggy's first wedding anniversary is this coming Monday. It's hard to believe that a year has passed. So much has happened. Moving, having a baby, travelling to visit family, buying a house. It's been a rather full year. Well, here's hoping that the next year will be more good than bad, more happy than sad, and lots of love and laughter along the way.

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