Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday blahs

The weather has been cold and rainy, which will dampen any good mood. And so, no, I'm not in a good mood right now.

Oh, for those interested, no new baby on the way. This is ok with me. For now. Who knows what the future holds.

Ziggy got his new truck today. He then decides to have me take him over to Bear's house(10 miles in the opposite direction), so he can get a ride over to the dealership to pick it up. Making sense yet? I didn't think so. So I tell him why don't I just rop Scout off at Scouts, drop you at the dealer, and keep Bear out of this whole process. He agrees. To make sure, he repeats it twice to me. And then gets in the car, calls Bear and tells him we are on the way. I got mad. This was so stupid, going out of the way to do something that could have been handled without middlemen. But no, I have to go home since I could go take him anyways. Clear as mud? Yea, I thought so too, I will never see why that was a better plan than me making the big loop around town and getting it all done without bringing anyone else into the picture.

To console myself I am going to iron, do homework, and generally avoid my husband because if I opened my mouth to him right now, it wouldn't be good. Self preservation is the key. Men.......can't live wit them, can't kill them because they just need it sometimes.....

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Lazy Sunday, Hell Monday and days I love

I love weekends. To sleep in, hang out in my jammies all day, not have to be anywhere at any certain time......I live for weekends.

Hell Monday. Where I have to be SrA AFeskimo. Ironed uniform, shiny boots, updo for the hair. We have a uniform inspection tomorrow. I loathe these things because you always end up with the people who look like trash telling everyone else how badly they look in uniform. And then, if you correct them on their uniform, you are seen as being a smartass with a bad attitude. Yea, I work in Auschwitz.

I love the days when Ziggy and I wake up all over each other. I don't mean sexually(although that's great too), but when you wake up actually ON the other person in bed with you. All snuggled up like you just had to be there or you couldn't sleep properly. Late mornings(ok, with a baby, late is 730) when I can get up and bake muffins, scramble eggs and fry bacon for breakfast. Scout plays video games, and Ziggy and I cuddle on the couch and watch movies, and alternately nap through them. MiniZiggy lays on the floor and plays, and I sit there with him, laying on my stomach next to him, seeing the world the way he does. I love days when I'm not at work, and I don't have to do anything that I don't feel like doing. Makes life feel decadent.

Well, we will find out tomorrow if there's another baby on the way. Yes, I sort of hope so. Thinking pink here.....but if not, ok I can handle that for a while. Ziggy hasn't said much as to what he'd think, I guess we'd have to know for sure before we'd know his reaction. I'll post the results tomorrow.

Well, I am off to Cheesecake Factory(I go to the gym 3 times a week, I can have dessert) for some really sinful cheesecake. Since my pregnancy with MiniZiggy, I have been on a dessert kick, and it doesn't look like it's letting up any time soon.....might as well enjoy!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Baby fever, money idiots and the weekend

Sorry it's been a few days since I posted last. It's been crazy lately.

First off, no Cuba summer for me. My tasking got cancelled, and so I am home for the summer. Which is nice. So I'm home for Little League, etc. I think I already mentioned all this, but hey, I'm doing it again.

The insurance people haven't given us the money for the wrecked truck, and Ziggy is more than a little irritated with them because of this. I understand it, but I wish he wouldn't take it out on me. I cook for you, dear, don't make me mad.

I have to go get my second pregnancy test on Monday for my birth control shot. And part of me hopes that it comes back positive. I'd like another baby, I admit. I want a girl next. I have 2 boys. Time for some pink......

I am narrowing down the classes that I want to take for next semester, and I am going to break down and get Chemistry out of the way. I loathe Chem. There is no good reason I should have to have this class, in my eyes, but the college requires it, so I guess I'll have to take it for the degree.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Monday on Wednesday just feels like a Monday, and it's really Wednesday......will this week ever end??

So, I got another assignment done for my Psych class. 2 more to go and I am done with that class for the semester. Next up is English. I'm sort of looking forward to English, as it has always been one of my better subjects. I am so ready for this semester to be over with. I just want to move on and get the rest of everything over with.

News of the day, I am no longer being deployed to Cuba in May. Cool, I guess. I wanted to go, as I have never been deployed, but hey, there are perks to not going anywhere. As in being home to see Scout play Little League for his first season. And seeing MiniZiggy grown up more....and getting that laser eye surgery I've been promising myself.

Snow is predicted again, and I think the weathercasters are going to be sorely disappointed, as usual. It's going to rain, and be miserable, but it's not going to dump on us like they would have us believe. But Ziggy still has to work nights for a few days, 'just in case'. People, this is Southern Virginia, not North Dakota, or Alaska. It's not going to come a blizzard this close to water!!!! Silly, silly people. No common sense, I swear.

Anyways, to my small, but faithful readers, sleep well, and have a good night.

Monday, February 21, 2005


Oh, I got my 6th tat Friday night. Bear's wife and I went and we both got inked. She got her daughter's name on her, and I got MiniZiggy on me. That'll do me for a while on tats....

Day off, or is it?

Don't you just love when you don't have to go to work? I do, let me tell you. But, since I don't have to work today, I have Ziggy dropping all kinds of hints that I need to do more around the house. Hey, I ran the dishwasher a couple times yesterday, folded laundry(which I REALLY hate to do) and I made dinner. So I wasn't super-productive girl, but hey, I did some things, right?

So today I have to be a bit more on the productive side so Ziggy will shut up. Right now he's going to run errands so we can get the money from the insurance people and go get the new truck he's discovered. I may have to go buy paint for Scout's room. That will be interesting. another dark blue color. I am also fighting the urge to get on Dell's website and order the laptop that I've been drooling over.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I love consignment shops

for kids' clothes. I made out like a bandit in one yesterday. For baby clothes, that's the way to go, let me tell you......

It's Sunday, the Daytona 500 is on, and that can only mean one thing..........Ziggy's in front of the TV, along with Scout, and I am free to do absolutely nothing all day. Gotta love it.

So I am catching up on all my surfing that I have missed for the past couple days.

Oh, I got a bitching out at work on Friday. Supposedly I am a troublemaker because I am a smartass. This from the same man who is an asshole to everyone around him, and wants ME to be nice, while he can be a dick all he wants. Yeeaaaa........clear as mud, huh? I thought so too. So, I have resolved not to say much past what I am asked now at work. We'll see how they like that. Kermit bitched at me in front of Cadillac, which I am not sure how he handled. He sat there quiet the whole time. I was gone after 915 on Friday, so I don't know anything else that went on. Not that I care, but hey, I have to have something to amuse me, right?

I'm looking for classes to sign up for next semester. I am dreading having to take Chemistry, but I know I'm going to have to, sooner or later. Just so I can get into the rest of my nursing classes. Ugh.....I hate Chemistry.

Well, that's all for now. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Reblued, rescrewed and not tattooed

So I was in this 'Airmen Development course' for 2 days. Who gives certificates of graduation from a 2 day class? The Air Force. It's supposed to remind you of 'why you are here, and your place in the world'. Un-huh. more or less, yes, you must do your job that the Air Force pays you to do. No, your priority of getting your college degree(within your first year of enlistment) is NOT the Air Force's top priority.......ugh. I'm just glad the two days are over, as there wasn't anything in there that I didn't already know. Hell, I was telling the instructors things that THEY didn't know. Eh, such is life.

So, I've been bouncing the idea of staying in for the long haul around. I told Ziggy a little bit about it last night, but he was a bit distracted by the idea of buying a new vehicle. So I'm not sure much I said actually made it into his noggin. But I am going to see if there is a program that will help me stay in, but get my nursing degree and become an officer........Hey, what's the worst that can happen, I stay enlisted and still work? Hey, a paycheck is a paycheck...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Blah Blah Blah

My week thus far, sucks.

First off, it seems that no matter what I touch at work, I can't fix a damned thing. And since that's what I do for a living, fix things, that's bad.

So last Friday, Kermit talks to me about my mouth. He says I can't be smartassed all the time. Ok, so he has a point. I can handle that. So, today when Cadillac is trying to aggravate me into popping off at him, he starts calling me crabby. I told him, look, I talk and I get in trouble, when I don't talk, I get in trouble, MAKE UP MY MIND!!!! Cadillac and I didn't have a good day. I spent most of the afternoon wanting to punch him out cold on the floor. Why? For yelling about my work in front of the whole shop. Bad leadership move, there, Cadillac. You never berate a troop in public, always in he pissed me off. To the point I stepped away from him so I didn't randomly give him an uppercut to the jaw and then get into even deeper trouble. Then he got mad at me for stepping away from him. Men, I swear......can't work for them, can't keep my job if I deck him a good one.

Tomorrow I have to look pretty in my blues. I have to go to this class where they tell you how much you make a difference (not all that much, in the big scheme of things), and tell you that 'someday you'll be a grownup NCO, and then you'll still feel like crap at work 'cause this base is really ate up on itself!' Geez I hate developmental courses.........

So I asked for a day of leave on Friday, to go to Scout's school for an awards assembly. I put in for the leave so I wouldn't have to go through the bullshit of 'comp time' and all that blase blase bullshit. So what happens? Kermit denied my leave, saying that I have to be at work for some bullshit burger burn they are having. Then he wants me there in the afternoon, since the assembly is in the morning. Ok, it's at 1015, and over my dead body am I coming all the way up to the base just to turn aroud and drive right back home for the assembly. This is getting stupid.....

Sorry, today is bitch and moan for me.....

However, I did get a dozen roses and a dozen balloons from Ziggy on Valentine's Day......

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I'm catching up, I think

So, I've got a couple links on the sidebar, go me. Whomever is CoasterJoe in reality, this man has a quandry, I swear....I like reading it.....

Well, on the new car side of the house, Ziggy and I have been shopping for the new vehicle that will sooner or later grace our bank account. Bear went looking with us on Friday night. Bear loves Nissan Frontiers. To the point that when Ziggy and I went looking at Fords, the man damn near pouted!! I thought it was kind of amusing, myself. Anyways, we were going to go do some more shopping today, but no one is open as it's Sunday. So we may just go wander around the really nice Macarthur Center Mall in Norfolk.

Alright, how silly is this? My teacher for my Child Pyschology class posts a message on our announcement board(my classes are online), stating that due to having his dog put down, he won't have our grades our for the assignment that was recently supposed to be returned back to us. Because he and his wife are in mourning over the death of the dog. I thought that might be a little overdoing it, but hey, that's just me.

I looked into some of the nursing programs here in town, offered by the hospitals and such, and to be honest, I don't they will be worth it to me. 3 years of night classes to inish something that should only take 2 years, tops? I don't bloody think so. And then it's not a degree, it's just a certificate saying you completed the training and you are a registered nurse to these people. Heck, I could do all the studying on my own and then take the test that certifies a nurse and not pay these idiots any money. For crying out loud, what happened to the value of a college education?!?!?!

So Valentine's day is tomorrow. My absolutely favorite holiday. And I'm not all that thrilled about it, oddly enough. I think I am coming to the realization that if you are taking care of your relationship every other day of the year, then Valentine's is kind of superficial.

Crazy Girl came up on business, and unfortunately, I didn't get to meet her. But hey, she did say that she may be coming back up in a month, so maybe we'll meet then. She seems pretty cool, despite the craziness in her life, but hey, eveyone has their own craziness to deal with.

Here lately, especially since Ziggy got in the wreck, I had pretty well kissed off the notion of getting out of the Air Force, as the bills need to be paid, and I can't help if I'm not working, too. But, Ziggy and I were talking, and we may work the money out to where it may not be quite so bad if I got out in 2 years. We'll have to see, but hey, it seems like there is atleast a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Update a bit

Ok, if you haven't noticed yet, I am a bit slow on the whole 'make it all interesting' bit. I am trying, bear with me, some things may not come out right. But I am trying. I hardly get any traffic here, but I am working on that as well.

Just me

So I am scoping out my options on the whole nursing school thing. Part of me wants to get out of the Air Force when this contract is up and go full into school, and the other part of me would rather stay in and get paid all the allowances and such. I don't know, we will see what the future holds.....

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

664 and a tiring week.......oh, and medical morons

What a week it has been, and it's only Wednesday.

First off, Ziggy got into an accident on Interstate 664, in the freaking tunnel. This was on Monday. He was car #4 in a 5 car accident. All I got was a call on my cell, saying he'd wrecked the truck, be careful at the tunnel. To make matters even more interesting, the insurance company that the guy who caused the accident listed, has never heard of him. Which is a bit interesting, as all active duty military have to have full coverage insurance on your vehicles in order to register your vehicle on base. And this guy was supposedly in the Navy.

Well, Ziggy hooks up with our car insurance company, and they set him up with a rental car, right? Well, he gets the rental, comes home, and then he gets a phone call saying that they need the vehicle back, they accidentally rented him a car that had been sold the day before. So, Ziggy goes to take the vehicle back and trade it for another one. Then they give him a truck that seems like the wheels are going to fall off as he's driving down the road. A real winner, huh? So now he's on his way to the rental car place to try and get something reliable to drive. Meanwhile, the truck that was in the accident goes into the shop for repair estimates tomorrow. Hopefully, and I mean this in the most positive way, they will say that the truck is a total loss. As much as I hate to go into having 2 car payments, I'd rather do that than have to continually pay for things that keep going wrong with a vehicle that was wrecked. On top of this, he'll never get much for it in either trade-in or resale, since it's been wrecked.

Cadillac has been just silly this week. We've been sort of fussing all week. Nothing serious, just picking back and forth at each other and aggravating each other. It's been funny, actually. Almost like arguing with a sibling.

Ah, medical I go into the base hospital today, check my medical records out and take them to the Women's Health clinic in order to get my birth control shot. Come to find out, the proof of my last shot never got filed into my records 3 MONTHS AGO!!!! And, in order to get another one, I have to have 2 negative blood pregnancy tests(which means I'd have to do this at work), 2 weeks apart. Because someone failed to do their job and file the paper in my records. God, I love the Air Force. Not.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Something Ziggy said to me

Is still bothering me. Last weekend, Ziggy me and the kids went out to dinner with some friends of ours. On the way there, the husband in the couple, we'll call him Bear, calls and asks where we are in relation to where we are going. I make the comment that Ziggy is being an idiot and not wanting to park in a certain area. Once I am off the phone with Bear, Ziggy is all upset with me. He got upset because I called him an idiot, and said that he doesn't call me names, but that he could if I wanted him to. Now, I wasn't trying to upset Ziggy in the least. But here's what bothers me still....

When Ziggy and I first started dating, I knew that he was very quick to open his mouth and let whatever was on his mind come out of his mouth, and didn't care what the consequences were to this. It took me a long time to get past that with Ziggy. For a bit it was a point of whether or not I wanted to subject myself and Scout to that. Now, that was a bit over 2 years ago. So what bothers me now is what Ziggy thinks of me and doesn't say. My husband and I are very different people, and I have often wondered how we stay together since we are so different. I am not the type of person that can be all out cruel to others. Not for no reason, I should say. Now, once I am pissed off by this person, I can be a cold-hearted bitch. But that's not my everyday nature. This is, however, Ziggy's nature. Ziggy can be cruel to anyone, and not care about it. I have sometimes envied that ability, as I feel like I always care too much about others. Ziggy is more along the 'Take care of number 1' type of thought. His dad and brother are the same way. So the idea that Ziggy could call me names really bothers me. I shudder to think what he would come up with, as he can be very cruel right off the bat. I am not a terribly interesting person. I am not street smart like Ziggy, not the same quick wit, and not the likable kind that is always the popular person in a crowd. Ziggy is all of these things that I am not. Our beliefs don't match, and for that reason, there are things that don't happen in our family that I kind of wish would happen. But I was always taught that if the husband isn't going to go along with things, then it's best to go along with the husband. So, I keep my mouth shut and go on.

It is because of my belief's that I wonder what Ziggy would say about me in calling me names. I know I don't do things that he thinks I should, etc. I try to keep Ziggy happy, I really do, but sometimes I think that my best, or my good isn't what he really wants. I know I don't keep the house clean like he's used to, and I know the laundry tends to pile up despite my efforts to do a load everyday. I don't have the same experiences that he does, he's been so many neat places, and done things that I have only ever heard or read about.

And I am always one step behind everyone, it seems. I always have been. I didn't get to work a job until I was out of high school. I didn't get to do any of the things my friends were doing because I was being a mother while everyone was partying and going to college. I've never been a quick wit, I'd rather read a book than argue. And so, in all of this, I think the true Ziggy would come out if he ever started calling me names. I have long since thought that Ziggy curbs himself in order to keep peace in our house, and that there's plenty he'd rather say than not. And in that, I'd find out what he really thinks, and it's not good, I am certain. Sometimes I can see it in his eyes or on his face. He might care a good deal about me, but I don't think he likes me much.

I may be loved, but I don't think it's ever unconditional. There are always catches, and I think I know of atleast 2 with Ziggy. So I wonder, when will the other shoe drop, and what I see now as my reality, and my normal will cease to exsist. I am reminded that those who love me, or atleast say that they do, will one day leave me. I have always thought that Ziggy would tire of me and Scout one day, and move on to something more interesting.

Weather guessers and idiots

It started snowing here yesterday afternoon. No real accumulation, just flurries, the big 'Hollywood' type flakes that you see in the movies. So little accumulation in fact, that there was a 2 hour delay to the start of schools in part of the area, can you believe it? People, if you want to predict the weather, get a weather rock. This guessing bullshit isn't doing much for you. Computers are only as smart as the people who program and use them, and that ought to tell you all you need to know - so get the damned weather rock, it's more accurate.

So I get this phone call at work yesterday, from MiniZiggy's new daycare. They want me to come get him since he barfed all over himself. I mean it colored the clothes he had on to the point that they didn't know what the color underneath it was. Now, the policy of the center is to call parents to pick up a child after the child has vomited twice. Rather than call me after he's puked twice, they call me after the first(and only) time. (Sidebar, I can't make the italics turn off, I don't have them on, so I am really sorry that this is in Italics)......
So, I get this whole sob story about how there's this virus going around the center, and they don't want a baby as young as MiniZiggy getting sick, so can I keep him out for 24 hours and if he's ok tomorrow, I can bring him back. So, I tell Kermit about it, and he makes me take a day of Leave time in order to care for a sick child. This is the second time in a week that I have been called to come get the baby. I am really starting to see a pattern here. Anyways, work demands that Ziggy and I trade off on who takes care of the kids when they get sick. Since Ziggy took MiniZiggy to the doc on Wednesday for his checkup, it was my turn yesterday. This is getting absolutely insane.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Mundane Tuesday

Today was fairly uneventful, I suppose. Ran a mile and a half in 19:08......way too slow. I have got to get better or I will never pass my PT test well.

I got browbeaten by Kermit to change my kids' doctor to a doc that is closer to work. Which is not something I should have to do to please my workcenter. I told him that the way things are right now works just fine for us, and that I'm not changing it. I don't think he liked that very much, but oh well, too sad for him. Hell, I don't think he likes the idea of my living nearly 30 miles from work anyways.

MiniZiggy is going in for his 4 months well check up and shots. And Ziggy is the one taking him, not me. So this ought to be interesting. Poor Ziggy is going to freak wehn MiniZiggy gets shots, I just know it.

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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