Wednesday, February 24, 2010

In response

Why would I want to do it? I see Officer's Training as a challenge, much like I view a half marathon.

Would my husband get out if I went back as an officer? No, not until he's done with his 20 years. Why, given the point that the AF frowns on O/E marriages? Let me explain the context of which the Air Force frowns on those marriages. Generally the AF frowns on those marriages because they are entered into AFTER one of the spouses is already an officer, indicating a prior relationship (frowned on even more, I know people it happened to, my own brother included). I am already married to an enlisted man prior to taking a by the Air Force's standard, no 'inappropriate' relatio0nship exsists in that context, as I am married before getting a commission.

Why go back since my prior stint sucked? One theory? Make it better the second go around. I know more now than I did then, I can wait to get a job I prefer rather than just blundering along as I did the first time. The majority of my unhappiness in the military revolved around the fact I didn't like my job, nor did I excel at it. If I go back, I'd change that primarily.

Nothing is written in stone, it's not defined that I'm going back in. I'm asking questions, of recruiteres (if they'd answer the phone that is), and people I know who are officers, as well as senior enlisteds, who have worked with officers and know the difference between a straight commissioned officer with no prior military experience, and a prior enlisted officer. I'm weighing options, considering all the information. We'll see what happens...

Thanks for your input guys, you are the reason I still post here...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wild idea

So help me, I've been thinking of going back into the Air Force as an officer........

Friday, February 05, 2010

End of an era

I am done with my Bachelor's degree. I got my last grade today. MY degree progress report is full of zeros in the part where 'remaining credits' is at. I will GRADUATE May 9. It's been interesting not having homework.....I like it...

Supposed to start my job sometime this year, if AFPC gets off their butts.....must not want me to work for them that badly huh????

Ziggy gets home next week, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm writing more.....

More to come

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
