Saturday, March 29, 2008

Up to date

I ran a 5K today, and made a new personal best for myself, 38:05. I have entered a 10K in Scotland for this October, running at Loch Ness. So I am going to be training for that. I am also looking for a new pair of running shoes.

We are moved into our house, but don't have internet at home just yet. That's coming this week, I hope.

Kids are doing well, went to doc for check ups, and are doing really well. MiniZiggy is potty training, and is doing pretty well with that.

School is in full swing, and I am doing well so far, go me.....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Littleport, Cambridgeshire

Will be home sweet home for the next 4 years, as of tomorrow. I won't have internet at home until 17 March, so I won't be emailing as much, sorry.....

My sister is pregnant and I am so excited for her.......

Got a warm fuzzy from a few friends today, thanks, it brightened my day alot, guys......

Eunuch, I miss you dear...there is no one to hash with here!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Our house in Littleport is about ready, so we're going to be getting things together this week to move. I am so glad to be leaving the TLF we have. 3 rooms is killin me.....

My laptop died, so I ordered a charger. Well, it's on backorder. Not fun.

Trying to get things reasonably settled so I can chill out, and get into a routine.

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
