Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I can't let Ziggy drive

I swear, I can't let my husband drive anywhere. We were on our way to work this morning, with MiniZiggy strapped in the middle of the backseat, and we got rear-ended at a stop sign not 5 miles from our house. Ziggy was driving. I swear, we haven't had the best luck with our vehicles lately. Anyways, MiniZiggy and I went to the ER, and we're ok(I have back pain, but nothing to warrant anything stronger than Motrin.). Now comes the fun of processing the claim. Ugh. I will have to update the story of the idiot that hit us later.....that's a story all it's own.

So, I go take my PT run test again, and I come in at 3 seconds slower than the last run. I know for a fact I'm going to fail because I am fat and slow. Something has got to give here, and I'm not sure what to do next. I already run myself ragged on the treadmill 3 times a week. I've been on a diet, for 2 weeks, and have only lost 2 pounds. This is bad. I don't know what else I can do....

So my Psychology class is almost over, and I have a middle C average, which is good, I am not complaining. I have one last grade to wait for, and then Child Psychology goes in the history books. My English class is turning out a bit tougher than I anticipated. I did manage to get my first paper's final draft turned in a day early. I felt very proud of myself for that.

Alright, enough of updates for now. Uniform must be ironed, boots polished, gotta go...

Friday, March 25, 2005

I am SOOOO behind

So I screwed up my first assignment in English already. I thought the Date Due said by midnight on 25 March. OOOpppppsssss, it's 24 March. Do I ever feel like a moron.........I did it, so we'll see what happens.

Had to bump my eye surgery until the 22nd of April due to an exercise at work. No big, gives me more time to save up for the surgery, since TRICARE won't pay for it. THey'll pay for boob jobs, but not LASIK eye surgery. Go figure.

Ziggy and MiniZiggy are home, which is good.........I'm happy about it.

Ok, short update, but atleast I got here to do it, as I have been megabusy......

Congrats CrazyGirl, on the new job! Be sure to swing through my area on your way moving up there, you can crash here if ya need to......

Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday Monday

It's Monday, and I have started trying to diet so I can lose of this weight and try to keep my job. So I am in withdrawals from Dr. Pepper. I have had one soda today, and my head feels like it's about to explode.

Ziggy and MiniZiggy are coming home tomorrow, and I can hardly wait. But the thing is, I can't get ahold of Bear to see if he'll pick up Ziggy at the airport, as Blonde made it pretty clear that they won't take Scout to baseball practice. Which I think is pretty shitty of her, but this is Blonde. Blonde is basically afraid of people who are black. She's quite racist, in fact, but won't admit it. Well, the town that Scout has baseball in has alot of black folks living there, and she won't go into that city by herself. Thus why they won't take Scout to baseball practice.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Mini update

I got off work early today, go me.......

Yea, so, I don't think Ziggy gets just how much it upsets me that I didn't get any consideration in the whole going to Washington excursion. The guys I work with, that know he's left without me, are not happy. They all pretty well agree that it shows a serious lack of respect to your spouse when you leave on a trip, other than business, without them. They aren't happy that I wasn't even asked to go. the funny is that I offered to go too, and was blown off, and then got 'You didn't seem interested' thrown in my face for an excuse of why I wasn't asked. How lame is that? One of the guys even mentioned that in marriage, you're supposed to be one with each other. And to go off without the other one is like saying you don't want to be one anymore, and that you don't want that person to be a part of what's going on.

And you know what? That's exactly how I feel. The guys have hit it all on the head. Hell, one got pissed off and said that Ziggy would be getting hell from him when he gets back.

Yea, I'm not happy about this.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Ooooppsss, long time between updates

Ziggy is finally in Washington. He calls me every day, and I even get email. Why don't I feel lie I miss him like crazy? I mean, yea, my days are different without him and MiniZiggy, but it's not like I'm sick with missing them. Ok, maybe MiniZiggy more than Ziggy, but you get the idea. I don't know, I almost rather he not call, because when he does, it's nothing new, really. Just the same things over and over.

Work is alright, I guess. I failed my PT test, I'll save that for another update.

Scout has missed most of baseball practice this week, due to the constant rain. I called his coach this afternoon, and he was an ass, trying to tell me that I didn't have a child on his team, since my last name and Scout's are different.

Well, I am massively tired. I am going to shower and go to bed. Oh, I had my hair cut off...

Friday, March 11, 2005

News updates

I am having LASIK eye surgery on April 8. I can't wait!

My Father In Law is coming to visit the 6-8 of April. And is bringing his girlfriend(no, my inlaws aren't divorced) and her 16 year old daughter. This, I can definitely wait for. Honestly, I don't really want to be around for this. I don't feel like making nice to people I'm not so sure I get along with, and strangers.

I have discovered that Ziggy surfs porn a good bit lately. Now, don't get me wrong, I know men look at porn and the magazines, etc. But, with all of this coinciding with his upcoming trip, weird behaviors and such, I am a bit curious. I was half joking with him last night when I asked him if he wasn't getting enough at home, and he trys to blow me off, saying that the computer has stored those sites for ages. Until I pull up the history( I know how to work that much of a computer) and show him what all he'd seen that day. BUSTED. So then I get the 'Am I being accused of something?' bit. Should you be getting accused of something? There's a good question. Hmm......hiding things from me, and not just web sites. Seems very telling....

Oh, and then comes the 'why are you upset' bit. He did this a couple days ago, and I let it go, didn't ask anything, didn't offer any information. He did it again today, too. He said that he knows me well enough to know when I'm upset. And then he starts apologizing for upsetting me. Again, I don't say anything, I let it go, not offering any information, and not asking for any. I don't think he knows why I', upset, and honestly, I'm not saying much, since I don't know what to say, nor how best to handle it.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I am going to have my FREE consultation done to have LASIK eye surgery. The appointment is tomorrow, and I am so excited!!!!! Finally, finally, finally, no more Velma from Scooby-Doo glasses!!!!!!! OMG, I can't wait!!!! Years and years I have wanted to do something about my eyes, and now I am on the road to getting it done!!!!! Happy dance has officially commenced....

Monday, March 07, 2005

Double standards and frustrations

My husband is about to piss me off. Why does it seem like I am the only one that can bathe and feed the baby? And why am I the only one that can load and run the dishwasher? And why, when he's already upstairs, am I the only one who can look for something upstairs for him? And why do I always have to use my bank card, when the whole fucking idea of him getting one was so he could pay for things, too? And why can't I spend any money to go out for lunch, but he can go out even though he brought his lunch?

Why wasn't I asked if I wanted to go to Washington? Why does my husband talk to his female friends more than he talks to me? Why does he sign emails to these friends, 'Love ya'? Why do I find out all of these things through the back door? Why is it I can't start a retirement account, or get my eyes operated on, but he can go spend money on whatever the hell he wants? Why does it seem like I am the only one trying to do anything around the house? Why does my husband take calls from people like it's a huge secret or something? Why does he keep checking his cell phone for calls, when previously he'd hardly remember to take it with him? Why does someone that he no longer speaks to randomly call him( and doesn't have his cell phone number) after getting the shit beat out of her, or threatened to be killed by her live in boyfriend? Why not call the damned cops? Why make him the first call you make? You're 3,000 miles away, what the hell do you think he's going to be able to do?

Why am I still here? Why is it that one minute he's kissing up to me, and the next he's an asshole, like his father? Why is it ok for him to get mad and take things out on me, but I can't do the same thing to him? Why does it seem like he's going to do whatever he wants, regardless of me and the kids?

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Ziggy bought the tickets for him to take MiniZiggy with him to Washington State. I am so glad, as I am really tiring of this whole trip, and I'm not even the one going on it!!!Now, all I have to do is get them out of here on the 16th, and get them back here on the 22nd, and all will be well.....I'm just glad the tickets are finally bought.

Sunday, Sunday

So much going on in my mind......decisions to make, things to do, all this. And it makes me tired, I confess.

I am really wanting to get Ziggy and I set up with a retirement account. Something concrete, tax helping, the whole bit. I really don't want to end up like my parents, who have a fixed income, and didn't bother planning for retirement. Of course, my parents came up during the time that Social Security was sold as gospel to the masses, and now we all know that it doesn't pay all that much money out. So that is one of my goals for the near future. I've been looking at IRA's, and also Certificates, but I haven't decided on anything firm just yet. Much to think over.

I am on the prowl for an eye surgeon to do my LASIX eye surgery. I found one that wants $4400 for both eyes. I think this may be a bit steep, but I haven't looked around in this area enough to be able to tell. But I definitely want this done before, say, the end of the summer.

Weight loss. I have finally figured out what my problems are with losing the weightI gained since having MiniZiggy. First off, need to stop eating desserts. As I have mentioned before, I am on a serious dessert kick. I seriously need to scale this back. Also, I think I need to change my birth control. The DEPO shot is well known for adding and keeping weight, and I am pretty sure that it's part of my problem. So, when this one wears off, I am going looking for something else.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Did anyone notice I now have a photo album?????? Ok, everyone look below the archives and such, and there it is!!! Ok, I only have 3 pics in there right now, but more will come!!! I feel special!!!!!

Ok, I admit, I am afraid.......

Ziggy's going back home to Washington(I wish he'd go already, this waiting shit is getting on my nerves), and I am fairly certain he's going to see the female friend of his he's known/been in love with all his life(atleast until he met me, I guess). I really ought to name her, huh? Hmmm.......let me see.....I'm not coming up with much here. I got it. Kay. That's good enough for me. So why am I mildly terrified of something happening between the two of them and I lose my husband because I just had to kill him for betraying me?

Yes, I am over-reacting, and I widely acknowledge this. Go me, I can admit this.

I was telling Blonde (Bear's wife and a friend of mine for about 5 years or so) about this, and she told me that I wasn't nuts(which is good, because she and I are alot alike), and I ought to tell Ziggy about my fear. This is bad because then he won't go see her, and I know he misses her, and I know he talks to her(well, Duh.....I might not be fully aware of it, but I am pretty sure that I am right), and who doesn't want to go see their childhood friends that they haven't seen in ages? Ok, ASIDE from me..............

Anyways, there's my random for the day........

I am Chris!!!!

Or I'd love to be......anyone who used to watch Northern Exposure(God, I loved that show!!!!!) knows who I mean.....Chris was the radio guy who talked everything from movies to philosophy to his felony days as a kid.

I'd love to be that as a blogger. My own commentaries on the world around me, infused with insight and such. I wanna be Chris!!!!!!

I LOVE CoasterJoe's blog!!!

I do, I swear. This guy is awesome. He kinda reminds me of the guy in the TV show Early Edition. You know, the guy who gets the next day's paper the day before, and then runs around trying to fix everything. I just picture him, getting into his car, going to the train station, getting on the train, looking into the oblivion, all of it. He's wearing a 3 piece suit, long outercoat, nice leather attache bag, the whole snazzy outfit. He's a total businessman by day, and a wild coaster loving thrill seeker the rest of the time......

So, here's my shout out to CoasterJoe.......Love the blog, man!!!! Keep it coming!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sick baby day

Well, MiniZiggy is 5 months old today. And we are at home because he is sick. Well, he and I are at home. Ziggy and Socut aren't here. This kind of sucks because poor MiniZiggy has the pukes. And the poops because of his medicine. His fever is gone, thank goodness. That was really starting to scare me. 103.4 on a baby is never a good thing.

So thus is my day. Take care of MiniZiggy and paint his room while he sleeps in our bedroom.

Hope your day is going well!!!

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
