Sunday, December 31, 2006

What a week

Well, I returned from NC early on the day after Christmas. 24 hours later, I am laying in Naval Medical Center Portsmouth with appendicitis. Yea.......I had my appendix taken out Wednesday. And have had some doozies for dreams ever since......they gave me some painkillers that are given to cancer patients, and Oh. My. about some strong stuff!!!! I was in and out of consciousness for the next 28 hours.

It has hit me that I have, as of New Year's Day, 120 days or 4 months left in the Air Force. And I am terrified........

Ziggy and I are enjoying our time off, and getting plenty of things knocked off the Honey Do List.....gotta love progress.

Have a good week!!! I'm sure I'll check back in and drop updates....

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I went to my uncle's house for Christmas. And most of my biological family was there. We had fun.....

I have been icky sick.....I had lunch with Eunuch last week, and he was telling me that he'd had the same thing, and it was awful. Well, Eunuch, I got much worse than when you saw me!! But I think I'm getting over it now. MiniMachine had it, too, but she's doing better as well.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Last night

Oh last night was a riot!! Last night was the squadron's Christmas (they call it holiday, it's my blog and I'll call it whatever I want) party. And I have pictures......Ziggy and I sat with Kat and her man, Dave and Michelle, and Beefcake, among a few others. Here is Kat and myself, feeling each other up. This is a throw back to when she and I went drinking and she groped me most of the night. She was drunk, I was sober( same situation in the pic) and no, I';m not bicurious, though I've heard Kat is.... Behold, the shoes I wore to the party. I bought these to wear in Kat's wedding, and thought I'd try them out at the party. I only twisted my right ankle 3 times all night. Not bad for a girl that's used to wearing combat boots. He calls me Young Jedi, and I call him and the best boss I have ever met, or been supervised by, Mr. Boogie Johnson. What NOT to wear.......EVER............this is what happens when you let OOps troops(vehicle ops) out from behind the wheel..... You guys remember Beefcake from my Iraq pictures, right??? Well, here we are, I'm sober and he's not.......yes, he really licked me, that was kinda creepy. We had so much fun.....he even got up and danced.....which was really scary........but not as scary as the next picture!!! Yea.........The Dork Squad!!!! And they are dancing.........Ziggy and retinas are gonna need repair after that!
The yearly Electric Slide..........Michelle is in black and white, and we dance this every year together....last year, she was 9 months pregnant and we were trying to induce labor!!! Yes, I do actually dance with my own husband from time to time....I just never look at the camera.....Ziggy got up and danced(half buzzed) with me, which was interesting since it seemed like only HE knew what the music was, as I was tripping all over the place. Not my fault he was leading!!!
I guess you guys can tell that we had fun.....we didn't win any of the prizes(they gave away an Xbox 360!), but we got to hang out with some friends, and that's always a good time.....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Yup......I gave in and set my bog private....

honestly, I should have done it a while back...but it's done now, so here we go.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas shopping and weddings

I LOATHE shopping for Christmas gifts. And it's getting harder and harder every year. Scout is harder to buy for the older he gets. This year he has stated that he wants rollerblades. Good, that beats trying to decypher what kids want at the age of 10. Ziggy is even harder to buy for. And don't bother asking him what he wants, as he won't have an answer of substance........I love the man, but THROW ME A FREAKING BONE!!!!!!

So tomorrow Kat and I are going wedding shopping. This ought to be a fun experience. I weigh 160 lbs, and bridesmaids dresses do NOTHING to make you appear I'm starting a diet. I'm going to cut my Dr. Pepper intake down to 1 a day. I'm going to cut back on the snacks. And I will exercise more........just because I have 3 kids, doesn't mean I have to look it, right?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Movin along

Holy batshit, man!!! I get beta and find out how many comments have been posted that I never knew about! Well, that explains alot.....Yes, yes, I know I'm technology challenged!!!

Might I mention, 146 days left on my enlistment!!!!!

The dog and pony show is over, thank I just have to catch up on a couple projects and all will be well. My boss nicknamed me his Young Jedi. So I call him Obi-Wan.....

Looking for work is kinda hard when you've been military for 6 years, your military job was NOWHERE near what you did in the civilian world, and you graduated college 2 years before that...........the resume is a bit on the DATED side.......

I had a chat with someone who wants to crusade and save my career. Nice thought, hoss, but that idea has already packed it's shit and PCS'd outta here!! Really, I appreciate it, but the phrase too little too late comes to mind.....

Speaking of that, the Capitan that's the commander of my old flight comes by to see me yesterday, and we get to chatting about my 'situation'. I apprise him of what's been going on, and where the flight botched things.....I get this blank deer in the headlights look back from him........classic, let me tell ya........sorry Eunuch, I hope you know that everything you touch, does NOT turn to gold!!!!

I'll post more often, I that I know I still have readers!!

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
