Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Should I be nervous?

I am very tired, but I had to share this with my readers.....

Tonight Scout and I are watching TV, Trauma: Life in the ER, one of my favorite shows. There's a case on there about a woman who comes in complaining of abdominal pain, and come to find out, she in labor, has baby, claiming all the while she never knew she was pregnant.

From out of nearly nowhere, Scout(who's 10, mind you) asks me, "Mama, is it true that a girl can get pregnant at 10?" Yea, my heart about stopped beating at that point. Ever so calmly(you can now pass me my Oscar for this performance), I explain to Scout that yes, if a girl has started getting her period, it's possible since that's what's required in order to get pregnant. I also throw in that she has no business doing what acts cause pregnancy at the age of 10. Scout tells me that someone at school told him that it was possible for a girl of 10 years to get pregnant, and wanted to know, so he comes home and asks me(I can feel my hair turning gray under the hair dye).....

Ok, now that I am mildly recovered from that little episode, I want to know 1 thing...........WHAT THE HELL IS MY SON'S 4TH GRADE CLASS DOING TALKING ABOUT PREGNANCY AT THEIR AGE?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I mean, it's not as though they are talking about people older than them getting pregnant. They are talking about pregnancy in their own age group!!!!

I'm going to bed now........that was too much excitement for one evening.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


I know it's been a long time between updates, I just haven't had that much to say.

MiniZiggy has started doing some cute little things....he puts one hand on each side of your face and just smiles really big as if to say, "I love you!" It's precious. He now says 'No', and shakes his head when he says it. It's so funny to watch cause he always looks as though he's gotten dizzy from the motion. He also points towards things now. Not with one finger, with his whole hand....it's so precious! He also laughs hysterically.....and I mean full-bodied, belly laughs.....it's so cute to see. He's such a jokester....just like his Daddy.

Scout and I are so ready for Ziggy to be home. Ziggy hates where he is, mainly because everyone acts like the mangerial staff here at Langley. They work 14-16 hours, while the bosses go home on time. And it's doing little piddly shit, too.......like moving parts out of a tent, then move it all right back again.

I'm so tired.......we are preparing for an inspection at work, and now there is talk of having to work on Saturday as well.......pucker time, that's all it is.....

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Charlie James Mojo

I have to mention this man by name, otherwise, the story wouldn't be nearly as entertaining. I work with Charlie James. Charlie James(and yes, he goes by both names, like the Old South where you were known by first and middle names. For him, it's first and last) is a tall, lanky, old fashioned man. Wait, the description wouldn't be complete if I left out the fact that the man is of the African-American color scheme. And Charlie James is a card......He and his fabulous wife are the current Best Dressed Couple of the 1st LRS, Langley AFB, VA...ok, ok, I'm getting to my point, I promise.......Ever seen a black man in a 3 piece black-with-pink-pinstripes suit? Well, Charlie James did it, ccomplete with fedora and cane........and looked fabulous...

Charlie James and his fabulous Mrs are expecting their 4th(3rd technically, as one child died in infancy-very sad) child. Now, Charlie James is well known in our shop for his, well, fruitfulness. Not saying he runs around, just saying that as soon as they are welcoming the latest addition, they tend to start expecting the next one, too....So some people who, once they decide to start 'trying' to have a baby, will go shake Charlie James' hand, hoping some of his Mojo(that's what we call it atleast) will rub off. Well, I shook Charlie James' hand at the squadron Christmas party. And then I shook his hand 18 January, the day Ziggy left for Whatchistan.

Read the post Bad Dream for my dream last night. This morning was Commander's Call. Now, for those who may read my blog and have no clue what that is, it's more or less a gathering of the whole squadron for awards to be given out, news to be handed down, and face time with the commander. Anywho, I walk into Commander's Call, and meet up with Charlie James. He shakes my hand(as always) and tells me that I'd better stop shaking his hand, or else I'll have twins. Now, is that creepy or what??? I mean my weird-shit-o-meter went crazy when he said that, given the dream I'd had last night. Just very, very coincidental. Ziggy found it amusing, as well.

Well, a few hours later, Charlie James stops by the shop and we are chatting about his next duty station, and he tells me that shaking my hand the day Ziggy left must have broken his jinx. See, Charlie James has 2 daughters. As much as he loves his girls, he has wanted a son. And he credits the sex of the next child to shaking my hand(since all I have is boys)....he and the Mrs are expecting a BOY!!!

If this pregnancy turns out as twins, I will be travelling to Sumter, South Carolina and personally beating the snot out of Charlie James.

I got flowers!!!!

Ziggy sent me my favorie flowers(no not roses, I am too old for that).....stargazer lillies.......and he never buys me flowers!!!!! I'm so impressed!!! Thank you, Ziggy, I really like them!!!!!!!

Bad dream

Ziggy read the email containing this dream I had last night, and I promptly got a phone call after he read it.....

I had a dream that I'd had twins.....one boy and one girl. That wasn't so bad. Yes, I said that twins wasn't so bad. Ziggy wasn't here for the birth, I don't know where he was. Anyways....the babies were born early, by like a month or 2. Well, the babies were in the NICU, and I was released from the hospital. Apparently the boy was rather sick, prone to seizures and all this other stuff. I was being told how to hold him, not to stroke him because it could cause a seizure since his body heat was all out of whack. So I'm taking all these trips back and forth to the hospital and all this is going on, and I'm crying and upset. And all I can tell Ziggy is what the doctors and nurses are telling me, and it's all over the phone. Anyways, I'm all upset and all this, and in the end, do I get to see the babies? No.....

Yea, that sucked.....Ziggy called and asked me what I'd eaten for dinner before I went to sleep.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Something I am trying to sort out

I get vibes.....those kind of paranormal types....nothing major(obviously, cause I haven't won the MegaMillions on the lotto yet, huh?!), atleast not to other people.No, I don't predict the future, talk to the dead, anything like that. Ok, cut to a little bit different topic, then I'll come back to this.

Other....Maybe I am abnormal in some way, but my connection with Other had left a bit of residual feeling after the romantic bit was over with.

Ok, back to the vibes. Or the Force, as I call it. Just my name for it. Anywho, I can't feel Other in the Force anymore. Why? Good question, I am glad you asked. And when you figure that out, let me know. I have a couple theories on this, actually. I have consulted with Other himself, and mulled it over, and came out with no answers. Here they are, in random order.

Theory 1: Being pregnant has disabled my ability to feel the Force. Hell, pregnancy sucks on your immune system and everything else, so why not that, too?

Theory 2: Absolutely all feelings remotely romantic have completely dissolved, and therefore, no more connection to Other.

Ok, so there's only 2. Oh well. I have my opinion, as to which it is.....but I haven't decided permanently yet.......

More to come, as always.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I may have scared Scout

It was so funny......Scout and I were talking about puberty, and I was mentioning to him, in a matter of fact way(trying not to embarrass him) that the voice changes, leg hair grows, etc. He starts cowering in the seat of the truck(an 05 F15, so the seat is rather large) at the mention of the idea that his voice will one day crack and change.......

We get home and he goes sprinting up the stairs to his bathroom like he's got diarhhea or something. A few minutes later he comes out and assures me that his leg hair doesn't look like Ziggy's at all.......it was all I could do not to laugh like a hyena right there in front of him....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It has begun......

With Ziggy deployed, my section has decided to take all chances to screw me over. Yesterday we were told, at lunch, that starting today, we are working 12 hour shifts until further notice. No exceptions, or so the Troll has decreed. The Troll is our civilian leader of the whole section. He's retired E9, and isn't hurting for money by any means. Has a young family, and still sits at work something like 7 days a week. I brought in notification that my daycare providers are only open form certain hours to certain hours, and that there are fees and penalties, etc for leaving kids longer than the allotted time. So my new civilian boss thinks that I can pick up MiniZiggy and go get Scout within 45 minutes. a trip of 30 miles, plus tunnels and traffic. Um.....no. We'll see how this one pans out.........

Also, pretty much all ideas of retraining have fallen through, and it is rather likely that I will be out in 14 months.

Friday, February 03, 2006

News to impart

Exercise at work is over, now I can get some sleep. MiniZiggy is sick, and projectile vomited chicken soup all over my BDU's...He went to bed 4 hours ago, and I haven't heard a peep out of him. He hasn't vomited again, which is good, but despite Tylenol, is still very warm to the touch. Poor little guy.

Other is going to be stationed at Shaw AFB in South Carolina later this summer.

Ziggy doesn't feel well.

I am just plain exhausted.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


My home PC is working!!!! I am happy!!! Now I can play Mah Jong again!!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My PC is on the blink

The home PC is on the blink since a nasty thunderstorm blew through the other day, so I can't blog from home, nor check my usual sites from home.

Bear with me, I'm going to go buy a new mouse and keyboard and hope that fixes the problem..

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
