Saturday, January 22, 2005

Home with the babies

Ok, Scout's not a baby, but you get the idea. Ziggy's at work all night, yet again. Gotta be there incase a snowflake hits the ground, which it's too warm for that anyways, so he's basically not doing much at work.

So I painted the dining room, finally. And I got the paint for my bedroom, MiniZiggy's bedroom, and I got an extra gallon for the stairway and upstairs hall. So I have my work cut out for me for a few weeks.

I always have so much I want to accomplish on the weekends, and somehow I never feel like I've gotten very much of it done.

I don't know what's wrong with me lately, I don't totally feel like ME. I get upset easily, I feel a bit clingy. Ziggy is always so easy going and happy go lucky, and I feel like a nervous wreck most of the time lately. I'm not PMSing, I don't have that excuse. It's like my brain has decided to function like there's two minds, and they don't agree with each other. I hate indecision, even more so in myself, so this is really messing with me.

Also, I am finding it harder and harder to communicate with Ziggy. Workin opposite shifts doesn't help with that, either. It is almost as though when we lived in Alaska, we didn't have so much to worry about, and therefore we didn't have tension or anything. Or maybe we're just so different that things are really starting to show like that. I don't know.Ziggy doesn't like me telling things about our relationship, so I should probably stop now.

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