Wednesday, January 05, 2005

My book

I have always wanted to be a writer, ever since I was a child. I won writing fairs, contests, and was even published a time or two in the paper of my hometown. Also, with my mind running at the rate that tends to, it was suggested that I write a book of my life, or atleast what happens in my head. One of these days I'll get around to it. I have a story to tell. Not totally true, but not totally made up, either. I ought to start writing it. May have to do that.

I just love my husband. Ziggy is so different from the man I was married to the first time, we'll call him Psycho. I lived in 3 years of mental illness, irresponsibility and chaos. Normal was not a word in my vocabulary. Then I divorced Pyscho and started living with Ziggy. And life took on a whole new light. Gone was the worry over money, over whether or not I'd come home to a suicide (which very nearly happened in my first marriage) or not. Gone was the worry that my baby(ok, he was 7 at the time) was going to be beaten by my husband. It was so refreshing to come home and have dinner, and sit in front of the tv and watch baseball. Or to go to the store without a battle. Or to be able to go to work and not be called by my husband and get yelled at that my co-worker(all male) were trying to steal me from him. So refreshing. I enjoyed learning what normal was. That was a little over a year ago. Ziggy asked me the other day if I was still loving normal, since I hadn't mentioned it lately. And a thought occurred to me. I've gotten used to the normal that is my life. Well, as normal as life married to and being a service member is. Scout with homework, a crying MiniZiggy, dogs eating the food on the counter, the dryer blitzing on me(which it does, I swear it's possessed) really isn't so bad when I think of what my life was before the stabilizing Ziggy came along.

Along with the thoughts of normal life come the what- if- I'd- done- the -other -life thoughts. Prior to my marriage to Ziggy, there was a man in my life whom meant a good bit to me, and with whom I was involved. To the point that this man proposed to me. We'll call him Other. Obviously, I didn't marry him, I married Ziggy. From time to time, I've heard from him, and the last time was bad. He started some stuff with Ziggy and that didn't make things at home very pleasant, and I can't say that my relationship to the Other has been the same. The times we've emailed, it's been about work, or about my boss, whom he knows. That bothers me for 2 reasons. One, I'd told Ziggy I wasn't speaking to him any longer. 2. I'm afraid that this mundane emailing will back fire on me again. So here I am at a crossroads. What do I do? I'll have to mull it over some more, I suppose.

I got a new boss today, and we'll call him Cadillac. He seems ok so far. Much better than my last boss, what was a total ass and then some. This one seems a bit more proactive. That's always a good thing.

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