Thursday, December 29, 2005

Random thoughts

Yea, I went back to the black. I like black, I have always felt comfortable with it. Very reliable. As for the Latin bit in the title, it was something that I had taken a liking to, and decided to put it on the 'ol blog. What's it mean? Enter ye who seek knowledge.......

So why do people read my blog? There's a question. I wonder about that myself. I know that there are a few who read it just to see what's going on with me. Now, there's atleast 2-4 people that work in my place of employment that read it, and I wonder why. Ulterior motive? To use this against me? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me. Which, that being said, tends to make me want to censor what I write. Ziggy and I were talking about that last night, and he was asking whether or not the whole 'journal' aspect of it had lost it's draw, now that there's a few people at work(who've been blogged about) who read it. Folks, let me tell you this, the first person who had remotely made me think of censoring my blog was Ziggy. Long ago Ziggy told me that he didn't like some of the things I write on my blog. That was the first point of censorship. My learning that one of my supervisors reads it(not from Iraq) gives me pause for censorship. How do I know that this won't be taken to my top bosses and used against me? Well, I guess those folks that read it will have to be the ones to answer that....

New character on the blog, guys.....ThePol. One of the guys I work with. Working for him this week has been an absolute pleasure. Without Der Fuhrer and Kermit around, Auschwitz has been pretty NORMAL, dare I say that? Not nearly the stress level usually associated with Auschwitz. Due, a good bit, to ThePol. I have no problem working for this person. He treats others as humans and not dirt under his feet, and lets his subordinates actually function in their positions, rather than demanding micro-knowledge of every thing going on in the shop. Working for him, in that environment has brought about a desire in me - NOT THAT KIND, silly readers....For the first time since I put on the stripes that I have, I have the desire to make my next pay grade. The reality though, is that it will more than likely not happen.

Scout will be 10 next month, and I am planning his birthday party. Oh, let me tell you guys what he asked me the other day. Are you ready for this???? He wanted to know who Jenna Jameson was. I was floored.......


Machine said...

So get him a blow-up doll and show him already!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. :( I hope you've been doing good though. sounds like it. hope you had a awesome new years too. i'll be dropping by more, like I should :)

Crazy Girl City said...

What did you tell him when he asked that?

Yes, I censor a LOT on my blog now. I am sure it's been noted. I often wished I remained anonymous, but can't go back now.

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
