Thursday, December 08, 2005

Just as an afterthought

You all know of my title for my workplace, Auschwitz. Well, apparently my blog has become a bit of an underground hit, and the name has caught on. To the point that one of the guys referred to our two bosses as Hitler and Hitler Jr. Another guy(who doesn't work in my shop) called one of my bosses Der Fuhrer. Yea.....see, it's not just me...


Eunuch said...

Obviously you've never worked for me...I'm loved! I feel for you, been there, done that, last deployment. It was so bad that any time two of us were together and a third walked up, the first thing out of thier mouth was "What did Lt Col XXXX do today?" Slug, oxygen-robber, worthless piece of...better stop now.

AFeskimo said...

Ok, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, Eunuch....

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
