Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Oh God, we're back to the soulmate topic.......

Oh yes, the topic has been brought up, AGAIN. Not by Other, though. That is, quite honestly, the only new bit to the whole thing. So I'm going to blog about it. Why? Because, I can. And because this has just got me so bugged that I can't stand it.

Last night I'm on Yahoo messenger talking to Scout's godfather. Now, I have known JayJay since I was 14 years old. Which means I have known him for 14 years. JayJay and I have seen each other through some of the worst times of our lives, and also some of the best. And somehow we just keep in touch, muddle through whatever disaster is happening in our lives at that point, laugh about it, and move on. We're pretty good at this. JayJay has always been a musician and songwriter at heart. I love his music. Always have. JayJay and I know each other so well that his mom considers me her daughter. If you have a twin of the opposite sex, JayJay is mine. I mean, we even look the part.....I have brown hair and eyes, along with the pale skin, so does JayJay. Kinda freaky, actually.

Well, for a little background, JayJay and I have always been the best of friends. Years can go by without us hearing from the other, and when we get together, we pick up right where we left off, without missing a beat. I met JayJay in high school, my freshman year. He sat next to me in ROTC. Yes, I was one of 'those' kids. I was also a band geek, but I digress. We talked and hung out. He saw me go through my first love. I saw him go through hell with girlfriends. Our senior year, JayJay and I go on a field trip with ROTC to New York city. Good trip, I had fun. Well, one night while we are all at a bowling alley, JayJay and I get into the biggest fight we have EVER had. In the parking lot. Screaming at the tops of our lungs at each other, for a good long while. I don't remember how it started, but I remember the gist of what he was saying to me. That he loved me. Not as a friend or a big brother(JayJay is 2 years older than me), but as in he loved me how he'd loved a friend of mine that he'd dated. I flipped out, went totally ballistic. I couldn't handle it. This was my best friend on creation, and here he was telling me that he wanted to love me as a man, not as a friend. Yea, I went into maxi-wig quick.
Fast forward three, maybe 4 years. JayJay calls me up(after I have moved and lost contact) one night, late November, and commences to telling me that he believes I am his soulmate, we are meant to be together, we need to be together, and that he just can't take being friends any more. He then tells me what has prompted this call. He was in bed, screwing his wife( I knew her in high school, and hated the conniving, lying, cheating little whore, but JayJay was my friend, so I was nice to her) and when he orgasmed, he screamed MY name, not hers. Now, I have heard that there are 3 times that people tell the absolute truth - 1. when drunk 2. when orgasming and 3. when talking in their sleep. God help if any of these is true. Anyways, digressing again. Anyways, that was the catalyst for why he decided to wake me up late at night and give me the soulmate schpeel.

Alright, ok, I admit it.......I believe in soulmates. There are people in this world that are 'wired in' to others. Now. Here's where my belief system with it gets sticky. If you happen to meet up with your soulmate, what says that you must be in a relationship with them immediately? See, I think timing is the true bitch of the whole soulmates gig. And that's where I firmly believe that Fate is a sick twisted bitch. Just for the whole timing bit. Sick, twisted, sadistic little cunt is what Fate is. Someone needs to kick her fucking ass. But, all of that is not to say that you can't be happy with someone who isn't your soulmate. Hell, it happens all the time. Nothing wrong with it, either. Besides, who knows what's coming down the line.....

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