Monday, January 02, 2006

I got tagged we go

- Rules of the GAME, The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic ‘5 weird habits about yourself', and people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

5. When I shower, I always rinse off the bottle of shampoo, soap, etc before I use it. Don't know why, but I always do it.

4. I never...Never.....NEVER write on the back of stationary. Ask anyone who's gotten handwritten letters from me....

3. When drunk, I talk to people, about themselves, in the third person.

2. Until sometime in May, I look at the clock and count 8 hours ahead.

1. I almost always sit with my legs folded under me....or atleast 1 of them.

Since Eunuch tagged me, I pass on to Brookie, Ultimate Debauchery, CrazyGirlCity, Machine, and the fabulous MissFifiLopez.


Machine said...

Eh. Five weird habits.

1. I jerk off.

2. I cry.

3. I go look for runaways at the train station.

4. I can't find any so I go home just to jerk off some more and cry yet again.

5. Repeat.

Unknown said...

1. I have a problem saying a lot of different things.

2. I can't dance worth a damn when I've been drinkin heavy, but I'll still atempt it.

3. I hate being slapped on the ass, unless it's by one of my friends at the country bar downtown...then for some reason, I just really dont care.

4. I can hardly eat top ramen anymore after being stationed in Japan & having the real deal.

5. I love Korea

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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