Friday, December 23, 2005

Who's training who?

This story was so funny, I had to share......

Ziggy and MiniZiggy are in the kitchen last night, and MiniZiggy(being the daredevil he is) is climbing on a step stool I have(cause I'm short and can't reach all the cabinets). He falls, and hits his head, and starts screaming like he's dying. Ziggy picks him up and rubs his back, comforting the poor little guy. MiniZiggy crys,"WaHHHH, WAHHHHHH - AHHHHHHH", and then pats his daddy on the head, smiles and wiggles to get down, and runs away laughing........

SO who's training who?? I thought it was hilarious......

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
