Sunday, December 18, 2005

Ahhh......sick Christmas

Not that Christmas is sick(ok, the whole commercial side of it, yes), but all of us, except Scout, have gotten sick this week. It's been pure awful.

First off, I got the stomach flu and Ziggy took me to the ER. SO I was out of work that day. Well, I get up the next day, get kids ready for the day, pile in the truck, and MiniZiggy starts puking his cute little blonde head off. And I mean industrial type, projectile vomit. I don't know where he was getting what he puked up, cause he sure didn't want to eat anything before we left! Poor little guy, he wanted to be held all day ---very unlike a healthy MiniZiggy. So I was out of work for puking baby, much to the chagrin of Der Furher. "You can be out today, but tomorrow your husband has to watch him" ---ahhh, Auschwitz.

Then, just when I think I'm feeling better, I get sick again. But this time I don't have to go to the ER. Well, Ziggy got sick, too. Fever, chills, tummy ache, loads of fun, huh?

Did I mention I have almost NONE of my Christmas shopping done?

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
