Thursday, December 08, 2005

Random things I'm saying.....

What a week. I mean, really. Can things get more bizarre? Apparently there is no end to the amount of bizzare things that can happen to me. Anyways.....

Cadillac.....first off, let me say that Cadillac is not an ugly specimen of the male gender. But the more I hear about the man in regards to his personal life, the more I wonder what the hell the looks I get from him at work mean. Apparently, atleast according to several different sources, Cadillac is rather the ladies' man. As in any lady but his own wife. Who, judging by a picture he showed me, is also a lovely lady. From what I hear, now, bear in mind all of this is hearsay, I know nothing for truth myself, Cadillac makes the rounds of bars and bikini clubs on a daily basis, and has this habit of riding his bike( it's a motorcycle) while intoxicated. Also, it is reported(again, I know no facts in regards to this) that while he may appear fatigued at work, it is more likely a hang over, than true fatigue. So what do the looks mean? This remains a mystery. I don't know, and honestly, am not so sure that I really want to know. I have avoided the man like the plague, given that he cussed me out not too long ago, and I am attempting to avoid confrontation. Also, I get reports that Cadillac bad-mouths me on a regular basis, behind my back of course. I have long since held the belief that Cadillac is spineless. I have seen circumstances in the shop that have led me to this conclusion, this is not heresay. But, he's mostly on good behavior in a one-on-one session with me. This type of shit pisses me off. Cadillac is a go-between. He's not anything of significanse in relation to me, honestly. Not the way Kermit runs the shop. But he's got ego to spare, and personally, I think Kermit lets him run with it unchecked for the most part. They are buddies, after all, and there's no good to come out of complaining to Kermit. SHit rolls down hill, and it would come very quickly on me.

Kermit....speaking of the devil.....I can do no right for the man. He has been down right menstral this week. And crabby as all hell. One guy got bitched out for thinking. Yea....Kermit, I have come to the conclusion, is just a dick. And there's no pleasing him, not for me, atleast. Kermit believes a woman's place is at home with the kids, not working. Not saying that I am disagreeing with him, cause I'd love to be a stay home Mommy, but hey, the mortgage doesn't pay itself, right? It's just that he carries this mentality into work with him. Blatantly. I could be the best mechanic in the shop, and I still wouldn't be able to do anything right for Kermit. Simply because I am female. Ah yes, I work in Auschwitz.

I have now had the most bizarre thing to ever happen to me at work, happen. I go on a test drive with one of the SSgt's. We're chatting about family and such, as he's a friend of Ziggy's. Somehow we get on the topic of sex and all that. Suddenly I am a confessional. I get him admitting to infedility to me. Not that unusual, right? Now, I know this guy from work, and that's pretty much it. We don't hang out, he doesn't hang out with Ziggy outside of work, so to get confessions from him was a bit surprising. Oh, but it gets, I'm not a prude by any means, any regular reader to this blog will tell you that. But I was caught a bit off guard when this guy whips out a hard dick and wants me to watch him jerk off. In the truck that he's driving. Like right then. Now let me give you a bit of an idea how much clothing dude had on at that juncture. Shop coveralls(like any mechanic you'd see in a dealership), BDU pants under that, then whatever he wore for undergarments(required by regulation in the Air Force). So it wasn't as simple as pulling down elasticized pants. Get my drift? Definitely not the run of the mill event in ANY place I've worked. I tried playing it off( I have a terrible poker face, so I can imagine I failed miserably), but I was floored. Then he starts rambling about how Ziggy's a friend of his, he probably offended me, etc, etc. And generously offers that if I am turned on by all of this, that I can masturbate as well. While he's jerking off in the same vehicle. My weird-shit-o-meter was officially pegged by that point. Finally we get back to the shop. And I go on with the rest of my day with a split mind about the whole thing. Do I tell Ziggy or do I tell the sexual harrassment people? Well, unable to keep a secret from the very significant man in my life, I spill it out to Ziggy. Who promptly goes ballistic, but in total Ziggy-style. Which means if you don't know Ziggy well, you wouldn't know he was wigging out. So Ziggy gives me a couple options. Either he handles it(which would be public and very messy for all parties involved, as NOTHING stays a secret in the military), or I handle it and tell him to leave it alone. I took the second option. My husband, though I love him dearly, can be a serious hot-head when he takes a mind to. And I'd rather err on the side of caution and contain the situation rather than have it go crazy with a quickness. So......long story short, Ziggy has been called off for now, but in the event something happens again, Ziggy gets full reign then, and it won't be pretty. Ziggy is a pretty easy going guy until someone offends his wife. Then he's full on asshole and vindictive to boot, along with a very bad temper. Not pretty, I've only seen it twice in the 3 years that we've been together.

Gramps......I so feel for everyone in the family that's over in Washington state now. Gramps, poor man, took a fall out of bed the other night, after getting disoriented and being too proud to ask for help out of his bed. Well, to make things even worse, he stopped breathing, got very sick, and had to be put back into ICU today. So the whole family is freaking out. Here is where I start feeling bad, as I am the calm one in the family. I have always held my cool when everyone else freaks out, it's just my nature. Which can sometimes make it look like I am unfeeling or unaffected by the events that are happening. So Ziggy and his brother and the whole family are all going ballistic. I hate to say this, but I knew he was going to be bad of at some point. He was doing WAY too well for a man in his health, directly after major surgery. My sixth sense was pinging off the walls, but I don't say much about it, as well, imagine the pandemonium that would have started. dear friend Other. I sent Other and Beefcake a package of Christmas decorations, complete with stockings and candy canes. All Other has told me is that I will get pictures of what he decorates with the lights, and that he is confident that I will be pleased with it. I almost shudder to think what he has come up with. I sent him a box with 600 lights in it, so who knows what he has come up with. Other has his own personal drama going on, and while I hate it for him, he is getting sucked into a situation that wasn't anything he is responsible for. I know it's only going to get worse when he gets back to Alaska, too.

Alright, that's about all for right now.....I'm sure that there will be more...there always is!!!

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
