Monday, December 05, 2005

Deck my house

I have the Christmas tree up, lit and decorated nicely in the big bay window of my house. The lights have been set aside for the outside of the house, to be put up this weekend. I have 1,000 lights on my Christmas tree alone. I have to get my wreath put up, locate the tree skirt and hang the stockings in order to round out the decorations.

My parents aren't coming up for Christmas, they have elected to come in January, closer to Scout's birthday. But, Gamaw may come up, and that will be nice to see her.....

So the fun begins for me of deciding what the hell to buy Ziggy for Christmas. When I ask, all I get is 'Baby, home with you and the kids is enough for me.' While this is endearing, alas, it doesn't tell me a thing, and that gets rather frustrating for me. He may get a singing fish, just for the hell of

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
