Friday, February 04, 2005

Weather guessers and idiots

It started snowing here yesterday afternoon. No real accumulation, just flurries, the big 'Hollywood' type flakes that you see in the movies. So little accumulation in fact, that there was a 2 hour delay to the start of schools in part of the area, can you believe it? People, if you want to predict the weather, get a weather rock. This guessing bullshit isn't doing much for you. Computers are only as smart as the people who program and use them, and that ought to tell you all you need to know - so get the damned weather rock, it's more accurate.

So I get this phone call at work yesterday, from MiniZiggy's new daycare. They want me to come get him since he barfed all over himself. I mean it colored the clothes he had on to the point that they didn't know what the color underneath it was. Now, the policy of the center is to call parents to pick up a child after the child has vomited twice. Rather than call me after he's puked twice, they call me after the first(and only) time. (Sidebar, I can't make the italics turn off, I don't have them on, so I am really sorry that this is in Italics)......
So, I get this whole sob story about how there's this virus going around the center, and they don't want a baby as young as MiniZiggy getting sick, so can I keep him out for 24 hours and if he's ok tomorrow, I can bring him back. So, I tell Kermit about it, and he makes me take a day of Leave time in order to care for a sick child. This is the second time in a week that I have been called to come get the baby. I am really starting to see a pattern here. Anyways, work demands that Ziggy and I trade off on who takes care of the kids when they get sick. Since Ziggy took MiniZiggy to the doc on Wednesday for his checkup, it was my turn yesterday. This is getting absolutely insane.

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