Sunday, February 20, 2005

I love consignment shops

for kids' clothes. I made out like a bandit in one yesterday. For baby clothes, that's the way to go, let me tell you......

It's Sunday, the Daytona 500 is on, and that can only mean one thing..........Ziggy's in front of the TV, along with Scout, and I am free to do absolutely nothing all day. Gotta love it.

So I am catching up on all my surfing that I have missed for the past couple days.

Oh, I got a bitching out at work on Friday. Supposedly I am a troublemaker because I am a smartass. This from the same man who is an asshole to everyone around him, and wants ME to be nice, while he can be a dick all he wants. Yeeaaaa........clear as mud, huh? I thought so too. So, I have resolved not to say much past what I am asked now at work. We'll see how they like that. Kermit bitched at me in front of Cadillac, which I am not sure how he handled. He sat there quiet the whole time. I was gone after 915 on Friday, so I don't know anything else that went on. Not that I care, but hey, I have to have something to amuse me, right?

I'm looking for classes to sign up for next semester. I am dreading having to take Chemistry, but I know I'm going to have to, sooner or later. Just so I can get into the rest of my nursing classes. Ugh.....I hate Chemistry.

Well, that's all for now. Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Crazy Girl City said...

Ugh. I HATE chemistry.

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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