Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Monday on Wednesday just feels like a Monday, and it's really Wednesday......will this week ever end??

So, I got another assignment done for my Psych class. 2 more to go and I am done with that class for the semester. Next up is English. I'm sort of looking forward to English, as it has always been one of my better subjects. I am so ready for this semester to be over with. I just want to move on and get the rest of everything over with.

News of the day, I am no longer being deployed to Cuba in May. Cool, I guess. I wanted to go, as I have never been deployed, but hey, there are perks to not going anywhere. As in being home to see Scout play Little League for his first season. And seeing MiniZiggy grown up more....and getting that laser eye surgery I've been promising myself.

Snow is predicted again, and I think the weathercasters are going to be sorely disappointed, as usual. It's going to rain, and be miserable, but it's not going to dump on us like they would have us believe. But Ziggy still has to work nights for a few days, 'just in case'. People, this is Southern Virginia, not North Dakota, or Alaska. It's not going to come a blizzard this close to water!!!! Silly, silly people. No common sense, I swear.

Anyways, to my small, but faithful readers, sleep well, and have a good night.

1 comment:

Crazy Girl City said...

Yay for laser eye surgury and getting to play with the kiddies.

Boo for not going to Cuba though. It would have been fun I am sure.

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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