Friday, January 13, 2006

I am about damn tired

.......of Ziggy here lately. Hearing every two seconds about how he'll get so much time downtown, and how he won't have to do certain things while he's deployed is REALLY GETTING ON MY NERVES. He leaves Wednesday, and frankly, I can't wait. He's on my nerves that badly right now. He pouted when I told him that some of the guys I work with were going to finish the fence(that, by the way, was supposed to be done before he leaves, and hasn't been worked on in a little over 2 months. Digressing....). To which, I could throw this in his face that it hasn't been done and won't get done if they don't come do it for me, as I can't do it myself. Yea......but being the bigger person(Ok, I am trying here, so I'll blog my frustration), I grit my teeth and keep quiet.

Oh, and the whole comment that leaving family isn't bad for him(um, first time he's deployed since getting married and having kids, so YES, this is new territory), so he doesn't need to spend extra time with the kids - -really urks me. So when he gets over there, and I get that phone call saying 'I miss you guys so much, and I wanna come home', the answer will be this - 'Tough shit, you said you didn't want to.' Oh, and the comment about MiniZiggy is the one that REALLY got my goat. 'He's not going to change much by the time I get back.' Yes, Ziggy, everything freezes while you are on the other side of the world. And by the way, I've got some ocean front property in Nebraska that comes really cheap....... Ziggy is getting on my nerves. He can leave now, if only to shut him up!!!!!!


Eunuch said...

You're going to regret that in a week's time!

AFeskimo said...

Well, maybe not.......I kinda went off on Ziggy last night about this, and yelled, but it got things out in the open and I felt better. We talked and now it's not so bad....which is good that we can talk....

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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