Sunday, January 08, 2006

OMG!!!!!! He speaketh Russian!!

I was perusing Eunuch's blog (sorry I haven't reaasembled my links list, I've been lazy, many apologies) and happened to hit his Yahoo 360 page, and I ran across a couple of things that I have in common with the Hasher himself..........1. We are both members of the US Air Force. 2. We have both done time in Iraq, albeit in different locations. 3. We are both pursuing higher education(ok, he has more than me, but it's a minor detail) 4. He speaks Russian!!!!! I about flipped out! I took Russian in college, at the University of Alaska Anchorage. It's not often that you find those who have braved learning that language. It's not easy.

1 comment:

Eunuch said...

See, now I'M a bit behind...

Dosvedonya! Ciao bella! (working on my Italian right now!). I also speak Serbo-Croatian very well, a smattering a French and Germany, and I think I can get by in English, although that's still up in the air. Eh, everything else you listed besides the "hashing" part is just icing on the cake! :-)

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