Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Surprise, Surprise

Well, for those who keep up with me via the blog and no other means, here's the tale......

Saturday night, Ziggy and I go to bed around midnight. 3AM, sharp, I feel this bit of fluid escape me, thus I am awake. I go to the bathroom, thinking maybe my bladder let go a little. Nope....I lose a little more fluid. I'm thinking, "Uh-oh. Calling L&D, just to be on the safe side." L & D says to go to the Navy hospital, as the Langley hospital doesn't deal in premature baby care. Ok, that's fine, it's closer to the house anyways. So I wake up Ziggy and tell him that I have to go to the Navy hospital, that I think my water broke. I found this part amusing, he says"In bed?" I say yes. He says, " Did you leave a puddle??" I say no, and stifle a couple giggles.....

We get to the hospital finally(the place is a freaking labryinth), and they check me to see if my water had broken. The doc(visions of Doogie Howser, as this guy looked 19, tops - he was 27, with 4 kids, come to find out) says that he doesn't think my water broke, and the thought going through my head, is that he's wrong(cause I was leaking more at that point). So they wait about an hour and check again. Yup, water had broken, and I've dilated 2 cm more than I was the first time they checked.

MiniMachine was born via C-section at 1130AM on Sunday. 5lbs 7.5 ozs, 18 inches long. She had to stay in the NICU because she was so early, and they wanted to make sure that she was doing good with maintaining her body temp, and eating well, etc.......So far, so good, and she may get to come home tomorrow.

1 comment:

Eunuch said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOO Happy for you!

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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