Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Here we go

Recall a bit back about Ziggy's Gramps? Well, Ziggy makes a phone call home today, and is surprised to learn that his Mom is home. My MIL is a workaholic. ANywhooo......

They've put Gramps on morphine now, and are installing an IV so that the hospice folks don't have to come give him shots, they can just do it in an IV drip. Being as I have a medical background, I know very well what all of this means. And I keep quiet, as I have to hold Ziggy together. Basically, it's very very bad now. Morphine is to keep patients comfortable at this point. And Morphine is bloody good at it's job. My MIL believes that tomorrow's dialysis treatment will be the last one. I can't argue that, I am not God by any means.

Ziggy wants his Mom to call the Red Cross at the crucial moment and have all of us sent to Washington. My MIL is worried that I shouldn't be on a plane, 7 weeks from my due date. Actually, it's more like 4 or 5 weeks, as the airlines have a restriction on how far a woman can be before they won't let her fly. So, that kinda puts Ziggy in a quandry. Does he call his dad, who does this type of thing for a living, or does he wait for his mom? Me? I say Ziggy calls himself and gets us pulled, but then again, what do I know, I am the wife that's been called home on Emergency Leave before, my experience counts nil at this point. So, I am seriously tempted to take matters into my own hands and call my FIL anyways. Ziggy is emotional, he can't think straight, this is where I come in as the stronghold. zSo I have Ziggy pretty much going to pieces on me(Gramps raised Ziggy), and saying that he can't go out there alone, he can't handle it, I have to be with him, cause I hold him together. Sweet, huh? I thought so, no sarcasm. No pressure, either, note sarcasm. I'm going to have the entire family on my hands, and me trying to hold them all together. Isn't there a disclaimer somewhere that says wives are only miracleworkers to their spouses and kids???? No?? Damn.....I could use that about now.....

The bad side of this, other than Gramps dying, is that my way of handling grief is bound the chafe my brother in law. I don't do funerals. I prefer to remember folks as alive, not made up in a coffin. Just my way. I have been to 2 funerals in my life, and I hardly knew either person, which also goes to say that I didn't especially care. This could bode badly for me and the BIL....

More to come, as always.....

1 comment:

Eunuch said...

Best of luck with whatever happens...

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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