Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oh I am so tired.......

MiniZiggy and I have been trading back and forth on a cold for a few weeks, and I think it's getting the better of the little guy. I went to pick him up from daycare today, and they told me that he's been a bit sad, fretful and cried a good bit today. Not like MiniZiggy at all. When we got home, it was more of the same, didn't want me far out of his sight, wanted to be held, etc, etc. So I think I may have to break down and take him to the doc next week some time.

The shots I was given on Monday and Tuesday have me feeling all flushed and very thirsty. I hope this wears off soon, as it's going to be more annoying than it already is.

I need a vacation.....

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