Saturday, August 20, 2005

Ebay, Ziggy, Machine and next week

Ebay...oh how I love's addicting. I can't help it, there are things on Ebay that call out to me to be bought and sent home where I won't see them for another month or so.......I firmly believe that the reason I have an Ebay addiction right now is because I am deployed and bored. But I am buying useful items....I promise. For instance, how many of us recall the little Tupperware molds for homemade popsicles?? My mother used to put KoolAid in them and freeze them.....well, I bought them off Ebay so I can do the same thing for my kids!!! And what's funny is that I couldn't get a single Tupperware consultant to find them for me! How ridiculous is that?!?! Oh, and I bought MiniZiggy some clothes for the fall off clothes are great to get second-hand, honestly, simply because they haven't been used that long since kids grow fast....C. Adam, keep this in mind!!! Consignment shops are great for kids clothes, especially little girl stuff!!!! husband is so funny. And he SOOO needs to get laid......poor man. I really need to go home...he's got some ideas that I am just dying to try!!!!

Machine....I have finally seen a picture of Machine......and yes, he looks a bit like Weird Al, without the

Next week I get to work days, in a different area, cause of my fun fun.....I'm sure I'll have plenty to post about......

Have fun, guys!!!

1 comment:

Machine said...

Just like Weird Al, my motto is "Dare to be Stupid".

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy

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