Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mind dump - whatever I'm thinking

I am so tired. Fucking newbies........kept me up all damned day yesterday, so I got very little sleep...

I am thinking of buying a project car. Torn between a Dodge Dart and a Ford Mustang........

I hate the fact that people automatically assume that I am cheating on Ziggy because I hang out with Other. Fucking pisses me off. Get a hobby for crying out loud, busybodies. First off, I'm not cheating my Ziggy, and second off, it's not any of your damned business if I was......find something else to do rather than watch everything I do. Fuckers.

I have 18 months left on my enlistment and I can't wait to get out. Then I won't have to put up with the above-mentioned bullshit.

Why would I keep a journal about my time over here. This was asked of me tonight. Why? Because, if the person who asked had bothered to read my blog, he would have seen that my blog is where I let most everything out. My therapy, if you will. And not just over here. That pisses me off, too. People who don't bother finding out on their own what is going on, then start assuming or attacking(or both) someone for whatever they are doing. Yea.....I held my tongue. I am getting better at this, and it's a good thing, as I could get in serious trouble for some of the things I would start saying.

Apparently I am eclectic. Atleast according to my boss. Now, how much of my blog he has read is a mystery, but eclectic was the term he used to describe me. So I asked him if he was basically saying that I'm weird, and he said no. Then he explained the whole thing to me, and it made plenty of sense then, but unfortunately I am too tired to recall exactly how he said it(I'd butcher it if I tried) to repeat it.

For anyone who's interested, Other was the catalyst for my getting a blog in the first place. He had been telling me repeatedly that I needed to have a mind dump occassionally, since my mind runs so fast and has a tendency to keep me from sleeping because it hasn't shut down. So I got my blog.

Yea, that's all for now..

1 comment:

Crazy Girl City said...

Someone asked you why? Like in a stupid kind of way?
Ha. Dumbasses. I'd reply saying well why do you like the color blue? Why do you like pepperoni pizza? Why do you go to the lake? Why do you like to shop?
The reason to all this?


Blog away darling!

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