Sunday, June 11, 2006


School isn't going well. To the point that I am thinking of dropping one class, or both, and completely changing my major. This is throwing me WWWAAAAYYYY off kilter. Yea......

Ziggy is getting on my nerves. Let's put it like this......he could be deployed again, and it'd be ok with me.

Stretch is on leave for a week and a half(he's coming back early, sans family, since he doesn't think the office will run without him).....

MiniZiggy fell and hit his head rather hard this evening, and wanted to go to bed immediately afterwards(even skipped one of his favorite dinners, pot pies)......he screamed something awful, cried buckets of tears, clung to Momma like crazy.........I keep checking on him, I am a bit nervous...

I'm having a bad day.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
