Thursday, June 08, 2006

Random utterings

Ok, so we killed that Al-Zarqawi person. Good. One less crazy that we have to worry about. Spare me the whole speech of how many will take his place. That one is gone, move on already.

That Army LT out in Washington state that is making a fuss over being deployed to Iraq. Ok, bottom line, you signed up, you follow orders. If you don't, you will be dealt with and the military will win, rest assured. He even joined AFTER the war had started, so it wasn't as though he wasn't aware that there's a war going on.........big hairy DDDDDUUUUUUUUHHHHHH. On top of that, he joined the ARMY........virtually guaranteeing that he spend no less that 6 months over in the hot desert. So we can deduct a few things about this person already......One, that he has no long-term foresight, or he would have known that by joining the military, the odds are that he would spend some time in the desert. Two, he ain't too bright, being as he joined the Army, who spends a minimum(or so an Army officer over there told me) of 6 months over there. This also ties in with number one. Three, he's oblivious to the world around him, since he apparently didn't take note of the fact that there's a WAR going on, and well, who fights the wars? The military.....and he joined anyways. Four, he thinks he is special because he doesn't want to go over there and do his job. Heck, he's probably a paper-pusher anyways, and wouldn't see any first line action in the first place. This guy is not special. Or even unique. There are PLENTY of folks who serve their country and don't agree with the orders that they recieve to go certain places. Whether or not it's to a war zone or not. That's the pure beauty of being American. We don't have to like what happens. And for the military, we don't have to like it, we just have to do it. That's our job. I didn't want to go to Iraq. But the thing is, it's not for the military to judge, that isn't our job. We are the enforcers of policy, and policy in America is made by civilians, not the military. Bottom line, he's going to make a fuss.....he's going to get punished under the UCMJ, the military's law code. He will be decommissioned, and will get his 5 minutes of fame. I hope it's worth it to him. He will be forgotten quicker than he thinks, and replaced even faster.

I have begun buying baby there are so many choices for a little girl. It's crazy. I hardly know what size to buy, since the ultrasound estimated her at weighing almost 2 pounds. I go back for another ultrasound on the 21st. We finally got a name for her........Ziggy came up with Riley (nice Irish name, to go with her Russian/Jewish last name), and her middle name will be Marie, which is also my middle name. I am not ashamed to say that I am a bit nervous about having a little girl. After 2 boys, I feel a bit lost with a girl. And none of the folks I know around here have a really little girl that I can babysit in order to 'practice' with. Ziggy has been wondering what kind of personality she will come with, if she'll be calm like her oldest brother, or moody and demanding like MiniZiggy. He wants her to have my hair color(Lord, I hope not, I hate my hair color) and curls like MiniZiggy, while I am hoping for another blonde with curly hair that I can put up in little pigtails when she's older. Ziggy wants to get her into softball and sports, and I just want to get her here before we start all that.

I have begun looking for a second job, as well. I won't start applying or anything until the first of the year, but I am trying to atleast get a lead on things so I'm not scrambling. I want to ease my transition out of the Air Force as much as possible.

Well, that's about all I have right now.......more to come, of course......

1 comment:

Eunuch said...

Where did you see that article on teh Army Lieutenant?

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
