Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The immigration rallies

Ok, let me slide my little soapbox over here and stand on it.....

For those who say we need a 'plan' to deal with the illegal in this country : We have one.....it's called come here legally or get deported. It's just not enforced.

For those who think we should give them amnesty: Get a grip. They disobeyed our law coming here, what makes you think they will abide anything new?

For those who want to close the borders: While a good idea in theory, how would you know who's legal and who's not? And is going to round them all up? Hell, you've got the Mexican President stating that he's not going to stop his citizens from coming here illegally.....what does that tell you?? Case in point - I worked in an ER at one point, and the town that the ER was in had ALOT of illegal immigrants. How'd they get around getting legal papers? They'd come here, hook up with someone who has a legal pass to be here, and make a fake ID with it......it had the name and ID number of the legal guy on it, but the picture of the illegal guy.......think about that when you want to document all of them...

I say they learn English and get a move on with the getting American citizenship if they want to stay here. Give them a timeframe, say a couple years, in order to get their acts together and provide proof that they are pursuing citizenship and learning proficient English. No proof, boot their asses. If they are pursuing citizenship, I can see them having limited rights.....but not the ability to vote unless they have their citizenship. No welfare, either unless they are pursuing citizenship. That's my idea for the immediate issue......it would be added to for the future folks who come here. Documentation, background checks(don't want any terrorists) and employment documentation would be required to stay here, and if not pursuing citizenship, only allowed to stay here for a certain amount of time. That's my idea.......I don't mind folks coming here, but do it legally, abide by our laws or get the hell out and stop wasting my tax dollars!!!!

****gets off soapbox and slides it back to the corner****

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