Thursday, May 11, 2006


So I took a week off of leave next week. Got it approved, too. And then this email comes down stating that I have to be in a class called Informed Decision in the middle of next week. It's one of those classes that they bring in people who got out and couldn't get work or anything on the outside, and they whine and moan about how they wish they'd stayed in the Air Force, blah blah blah, and otherwise talk you into staying in. Not that there's any chance that they'll change my mind.......but it's a mandatory thing.

So I called up my acting Shirt, and got out of the class because of the leave, and TheTroll and Stretch won't believe that I have been excused from the class. So without an email to confirm it, they require that I am there, thus cancelling my leave. Yes, this all bothers me. I had scheduled appointments for virtually every day next week, thinking to save myself the hassle of having to get bitched at for leaving work for various appointments. Yea, well, it appears that this is going to get really ugly and nasty, and by my management's own doing, despite my efforts.....


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