Friday, March 03, 2006

The hatred of people

There's a man that works in my office that just hates the world, and all the people in it. What's truly amusing about it, is the man professes to being a Christian. Love Jesus, man. And he's retired from the Navy. He's also black. Got the mental picture going? Good.......

This man sits in the back of our section and seemingly does nothing but complain. The Lord doesn't want us(the military) in Iraq. The Lord will have his vengence on us for messing with the Middle East. We(all of us GI's) need to get out of the military lest we be smited by The Lord for participating in a war.

I made mention that I am an impatient person, and 10 months is a LONG time to be pregnant. He starts about 'What if your baby decided to punch out at 3 months?' 'What if your baby decided to be impatient?' 'Then what are you going to do?" Um, well, that'd be a miscarriage, and nothing I can control. Yea....he takes EVERYTHING to a serious extreme. This man is Al Sharpton in training. Al Sharpton who said that the reason the levies broke in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina was because of reverse racism. Lord save me from these idiots.

I have 14 months left in the military. He started in on me this morning about how 'you can let your circumstances rule you, or you can rule your circumstances." Let me run down my circumstances.......I have 14 months left in the military, I am pregnant, so that restricts me for a good portion of the 14 months, and all I am doing is plugging along, collecting my paycheck and going to school on the government's dime. In short, I don't give a shit. I am paying off bills so that when I am out, we are not squeezing money out of thin air. I have my shit together, thank you very much, Mr. High and Mighty.

We keep lots of tool boxes in this section. To maintain vehicles, folks must have tools. Well, this person keeps up with all the boxes, the inventories, the broken tools, etc........and every person that walks back there gets an earful, willingly or not, of how he has single-handedly spearheaded the program to get all the toolboxes in order........and then says that he's not trying to blow his own much for humility...

This man just pisses me off. He's such a hypocrite that he wouldn't see if the Lord Jesus handed it to him on a silver platter......

I hate proud people like that.....

1 comment:

Machine said...

Tell him Jesus loves him but everyone else thinks he's an asshole.

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
