Sunday, March 26, 2006

Weird dream

So the weird pregnancy dreams have begun.....Case in point....

I dreamed last night, that I was at work, and I went to the doctor. Now, I am only 3 months along so I am not showing as much as someone who's 6 months, or nearly to their due date. In my dream, I am as far along as I am now. So I go to the doctor, and I fall asleep at the office, so I have no real idea of what is going on. The next thing I know, I am being awakened on an operating table, and told that the baby will have to come by C section. I go back to sleep. Well, I wake up a bit later, and the little technician come in and asks me how I feel, and I am allowed to get up and walk around. So I am walking around this hospital, which is attached to a mall. And people that I know from work come in and ask me how I am, what the baby weighs, all that. And I have no idea because I haven't seen the baby yet. So I go back to the nurse's station and I ask them for my baby. They tell me that the baby was put in the room where all the ones that are ready to go home are put, and this freaks me out a bit. They bring me this bundle wrapped in blankets, and assure me that the baby was born full term(because I told them that I was only 3 months along), and is perfectly healthy. I turn the bundle towards me, and it might a well have been MiniZiggy, as alike as the two looked. This shock of blonde hair(and a full head of it) and big blue eyes looks at me from the blanket and smiles. There's a full set of teeth in this baby's head!!! And, to my shock, it's another boy, not the girl that we had been thinking it was. Quite a shock. Anyways, so Ziggy's grandparents pick me up at the hospital, and we go to a hotel where they were staying. And I hardly see the baby after that.......

Yup the weird dreams have begun....

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
