Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Circus experience

Last night I took the kids to the circus. MiniZiggy screamed through about 20-30 minutes of the first half. It was so loud it freaked him out. Poor little guy was shaking like a leaf and clinging to me as though he were trying to get away from the noise. Then I guess he wore himself out with the screaming, and just sat in my lap and watched what was going on and sucked his thumb.

The second half was a bit better, he sat up and pointed at things and said, 'EEeeeoooowwww' when he saw the woman with the cats. It was cute, him pointing at to say "Mama, look at that!"

They wanted $19.50 a ticket, which I thought wasn't too bad for a military priced ticket. The programs were $15 a pop. A stuffed elephant(Ziggy's favorite) was $25........what a rip off, but they will make a pile of money because they know people will buy the stuff for their kids. I didn't.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
