Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Talk about freaky

I tell you, Kermit is really starting to freak me the hell out.

Let me explain, for a bit, why my blood pressure was going so high the other day.

I sent Cadillac this silly little forward, and he emails me back. Asks me if Ziggy told me what he'd told Ziggy. I tell him no, and ask what's happened now, figuring that it's something stupid, like someone got smacked in the head doing something stupid, stuff like that. It happens when deployed. Oh no, none too simple.....Cadillac decides to drop a bomb on me.

That Kermit, the Troll, and Der Fuhrer all want to write me this really awful evaluation(EPR to those Air Force types), and start trying to kick me out of the Air Force. I went ballistic. I was bloody furious. Yes, I am getting out of the Air Force, but to start something like this when I am 12 months from being out as it is, is really pretty pointless. So Cadillac and I go back and forth on email about this, me freaking out the entire time. Well, I have gotten so upset by all this that I grab my new civilian boss(I need a name for him...........Stretch sounds good) and tell him what's happened, and ask him what he knows. Well, apparently he went to his boss, the Troll, and mentioned it all to him, and said that I was probably going to come and see him about it. Apparently the Troll went to see Kermit about it, and told him to straighten this out. All of this is last Friday.

So Monday morning, Kermit finds me and tells me to print out the email Cadillac sent me, and come see him for a talk. Ok.....my heart starts punding, blood pressure soaring..I just know that I'm going to get into a yelling match with Kermit, right? I mean, he and I bicker and fight more than me and my ex husband ever did. And that's pretty bad. Anyways, I go in the office, and Kermit asks me, first thing, "Do you think Cadillac is trying to look out for you and be a friend to you?" My answer? No. I might be crazy, but I'm not that stupid. So we get to chatting, and he tells me how he doesn't see the need to write me this awful evaluation. And how Cadillac is trying to stir up shit, and has tried this twice before, and was slapped back down both times. And that Cadillac is trying to use me as a puppet in the whole thing. I tell him what little of that scheme I know, just from what Cadillac related to Ziggy. Kermit doesn't seem surprised by this. He even whips out this mysterious email that Cadillac kept referring to but wouldn't give me until he comes back(which made it all the more suspect). So Cadillac has taken the email that I read completely out of proportion. Does this suprise me? No, not really. Kermit asks me about my plan once I am out of the Air Force, and I run it down for him, the whole thing, down to where I want to get into to work when I'm done with school, etc, etc. Kermit says, "So you've got this thought out, and you have it planned and are just collecting a paycheck til you get out?" I tell him, yes, pretty much. Paying the bills til my time in is done and then the government pays for what I want to do with my life. So he says how he doesn't want Cadillac and his ambitions to upset me, since in my condition, too upset could cause a miscarriage. He tells me that if I need anything, to call him, since I am still a part of Auschwitz, they will take care of me, and that if I need anyone beat down, to let him know and he'll handle it. All very civil, extremely calm, and damned considerate, which was a shock. I think I got a few more gray hairs out of the experience, actually. I mean, it was scary how pleasant this whole thing went. And I have a feeling it's not going to bode well for Cadillac. I think he's going to get bitch slapped for trying to stir shit again, just from one comment that Kermit made. He asked if he could keep the email, and I said sure, and he asked that anything else like that I received from Cadillac be forwarded on to him. He said that it was probably going to get filtered back down through the First Seargent, which doesn't bode well for Cadillac. That could amount to a bitch slapping, atleast in military terms. I'm glad I went to Stretch and told him what was wigging me out, otherwise, things could have gone really badly with me and Kermit and all that. Anyways, going on everything I have experienced with Kermit since I got here, that was mind blowing....almost out-of-body-experience worthy....

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
