Monday, March 07, 2005

Double standards and frustrations

My husband is about to piss me off. Why does it seem like I am the only one that can bathe and feed the baby? And why am I the only one that can load and run the dishwasher? And why, when he's already upstairs, am I the only one who can look for something upstairs for him? And why do I always have to use my bank card, when the whole fucking idea of him getting one was so he could pay for things, too? And why can't I spend any money to go out for lunch, but he can go out even though he brought his lunch?

Why wasn't I asked if I wanted to go to Washington? Why does my husband talk to his female friends more than he talks to me? Why does he sign emails to these friends, 'Love ya'? Why do I find out all of these things through the back door? Why is it I can't start a retirement account, or get my eyes operated on, but he can go spend money on whatever the hell he wants? Why does it seem like I am the only one trying to do anything around the house? Why does my husband take calls from people like it's a huge secret or something? Why does he keep checking his cell phone for calls, when previously he'd hardly remember to take it with him? Why does someone that he no longer speaks to randomly call him( and doesn't have his cell phone number) after getting the shit beat out of her, or threatened to be killed by her live in boyfriend? Why not call the damned cops? Why make him the first call you make? You're 3,000 miles away, what the hell do you think he's going to be able to do?

Why am I still here? Why is it that one minute he's kissing up to me, and the next he's an asshole, like his father? Why is it ok for him to get mad and take things out on me, but I can't do the same thing to him? Why does it seem like he's going to do whatever he wants, regardless of me and the kids?

1 comment:

Crazy Girl City said...

Being Male(for the most part) = BIG FAT DOUBLE STANDARD

I am sorry you're so frustrated. I've been through it all, so if you ever want to vent, you have my # and email!

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
