Thursday, October 19, 2006

Nap time

OOOooooooo I could so use a nap. A nice long one, a good 3-4 hours.

CrazyGirl was in town this past weekend, and I think she caught a bit of baby fever after holding MiniMachine. MiniMachine played it up, of course, looking cute at all times..

Georgia Tech, my college football team, is doing well this season. They are playing Clemson this weekend, and htat promises to be a good game.

Scout, I have no idea what I am going to do with this kid. He was failing English, and now his grades in Science and Math are starting to drop. His teacher called last night and was telling me what was going on, and I am just at a loss as to how to motivate the kid to actually do his work. It doesn't really help that the school almost blames the parent for the child not doing his work. I can make him sit and do the homework, but apparently he's not turning things in, or something. I don't know what to do about him.

I feel a bit better as far as being down goes, but I have good days and bad days. MiniZiggy seems to up it a good bit. He's in this kick of screaming and squealing any time he doesn't get his way, or wants attention. If he doesn't want to do something he will let me hold his hand, but won't stand up or walk, so I end up dragging him around, as I refuse to carry him. It's frustrating and gives me more stress, and I have no patience with it. I don't know how to get him to act differently, as I am pretty sure that daycare adds into this with other kids doing the same things, etc.

I think I really took on more than I could handle this semester. My stress level is so high that it never seems to let up, and I am having a harder time relieving it. The usual measures don't seem to help. Anatomy class is stressing me out bad, and no matter what I try, I don't catch on to some of the concepts, and they are pretty vital for things on down the line. I am not testing well, either, and that adds to the stress. Next semester will be different, I hope.

I have been thinking about taking my doc up on her offer of meds for the depression. Ziggy was less than thrilled with the idea of meds, but I'm not sure how to go about making things better. Maybe I need to contact the mental folks here on base and see what they have to say.

I've been back at work now for about 2 weeks, and some things never change. The good news is that I no longer belong to the vehicle maintenance flight, and they have no influence on me now. That is a relief, as the last 195 days that I have in the Air Force may well pass more smoothly and more pleasantly.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
