Monday, October 23, 2006

My favorite season

Nothing like fall to make me miss Alaska all the more. Fall/Winter is my favorite season. I love the changing leaves on trees. I love college football on TV. I love using my crock pot for dinners throughout the season. I love the cold weather......I just love fall.

It is a beautiful though blustery day here in Tidewater Virginia. And though I am sitting in Virginia, my mind carries me back to Alaska, and the winters I spent there. The October that I bought my four wheeler, and Ziggy and I took it out riding for the first time. We went out to our favorite riding spot, Jim's Creek. It was frigid cold, a beautiful clear day, with the first snow of the winter on the ground. Riding out to Jim's Creek is a breathtaking sight in itself. Outside of Anchorage, the land is flat, making the mountains seem even more impressive when you see them. Like they have just cropped up, and I mean straight up vertical. One gets the point that man is NOT the biggest thing in Alaska, and why it's called the Great Land by the natives. Riding a four wheeler gives me the greatest sense of being free, as speed feels decidely different on a ATV rather than in a car. Zipping over the mud flats towards the glacier, with nothing out there with you except well, Alaska itself. The mountains tower on either side of you, the glacier ahead of you, and far enough out of town(which isn't all that far or hard to come by in Alaska) that your cell phone is of no use. Ziggy and I would ride most of the morning away, and around lunch time, head to a little Mom & Pop restaurant for lunch. This place was great. As with most places in Alaska, ATV's or snowmachines parked in a parking lot are no out of place nor uncommon in winter. This place made everything fresh, except the soup, and then it was made fresh atleast that morning. Folks in riding gear were welcome and made to feel at home, and if you left hungry, well, it wasn't their fault. Some of my favorite memories of Alaska involve riding a four wheeler.
So Ziggy has a surprise for me, we are going riding here in a couple weeks. Granted, it's not Alaska, but it's time spent across a four wheeler, and I have done far too little of that since moving to Virginia. I can hardly wait!!

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
