Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm still here

So much for maternity leave being restful. Mine couldn't be more busy. School, doctor's appointments, errands......not to mention housework. Not enough hours in the day, especially when you do dishes at 2:30AM cause you're up waiting on the baby's bottle to warm up. I'm running on 3 hours of sleep, and I don't get naps during the day, so I am doubly tired....

MiniZiggy's second birthday was yesterday, not that he noticed. He has hit the terrible two's and it's in full swing. He screams at anything that remotely doesn't get him what he wants. He never wants Mama anymore, he wants Daddy, and will pitch a hissy fit to get him. He's going to the doctor for a check up on Thursday, yea, that's not going to be fun, as it includes shots.....

School is going well, considering I have some rather hard classes this semester. But I am trying my best, going in for extra help, and trying to muddle through as best I can.

Feeling a bit lonely and a bit out of sorts. I don't really want to go back to the routine of work, although the man I work for makes life rather easy, working for him. Just the 'whirl' of being back is not something I look forward to. It's ok, though, here in a few more months, it'll all be over, and I will be moving on to other things.

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
