Monday, April 04, 2005


I actually did alot of nothing today, and I didn't get into any trouble for it. Gotta love that.

I came home with a splitting headache, which I still have. I hate allergy season.

I finished my rough draft of my next English paper, and though it's not as long as the teacher wants, I think it's thorough, and that will make up for not being the requested length. I hope. I even vaccuumed 3 rooms of the house, I feel so productive. I may even go do a bit of laundry.....AGGGG.......laundry, what's gotten into me?!!?!?!?

I don't know what's into MiniZiggy lately. He hasn't been napping well like he usually does, and he's being fussy a bit more than normal. I wonder if he could be starting to teethe. Ah yes, that wonderful stage of life with grumpiness, crying, ear infections and getting teeth. Yay, what I live for...........

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
