Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It has begun......

With Ziggy deployed, my section has decided to take all chances to screw me over. Yesterday we were told, at lunch, that starting today, we are working 12 hour shifts until further notice. No exceptions, or so the Troll has decreed. The Troll is our civilian leader of the whole section. He's retired E9, and isn't hurting for money by any means. Has a young family, and still sits at work something like 7 days a week. I brought in notification that my daycare providers are only open form certain hours to certain hours, and that there are fees and penalties, etc for leaving kids longer than the allotted time. So my new civilian boss thinks that I can pick up MiniZiggy and go get Scout within 45 minutes. a trip of 30 miles, plus tunnels and traffic. We'll see how this one pans out.........

Also, pretty much all ideas of retraining have fallen through, and it is rather likely that I will be out in 14 months.

1 comment:

Eunuch said...

So you're thinking of punching?

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
