Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My first week back to work, and a mind dump

Oh my God. Or Goddess. Oh whichever diety happens to be on duty right now. My week has been absolutely full on hectic. I have not updated this for a bit, and I feel guilty for leaving my readers with nothing to read. Oh I have so much to tell you guys!!!!!!

Yes, this is my first week back at work, and let me tell you, every day, there are more and more reasons why I should really be a stay home mom. Not saying that a stay home mom has life any easier than the employed counterpart, just that she has a better handle on her household than I do on my own!! So much to get done at home, and not nearly enough time to do it all in. For instance, my all time nemesis - laundry. It's not that I don't like to do laundry. It's that I hate folding and putting away. Ziggy shares my loathing of this particular chore. So we have lots of baskets of clean, unfolded laundry in our house. Also, this past weekend, I started the task of painting Scout's room. I got one coat one the walls. And we are talking royal blue, not something pale. Scout is well known for his color choices.....and this one is nothing to sniff at - Lowe's Star Gazer blue..........yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh. Think smurfs. And then see that smeared all over 4 walls. Got it? Yes, my child is a nut for having picked this color. But hey, I let him have it, cause my parents wouldn't let me paint my room my favorite color - black. Karma is a funny thing. Oh, and don't get me started on the backyard fence. Ok, get me started....anyways, Ziggy came up with this wonderful idea(and it really is a good idea, well, once it's done) to put up a privacy fence along our back yard. This is a good idea, since there is a portion of the back fence that is low enough for Pudge and Sagres(the dogs) to jump. Rather easily. Well, it's being done in stages. And I am really thinking that the whole 'stages' part needs to speed up. But, being as no one who has promised to help with the project has bothered to show their faces, it's going rather slowly. To the point that Ziggy is going to take Friday off and finish the fence portion that he is currently working on. That, and upon my arrival home from work today, BOTH dogs were in front of the house, rather than in the back yard where they were hooked up to tie-outs this morning. I have GOT to clean my house. I mean a good, deep down cleaning. Spring cleaning but in the fall/winter. I have been wanting to hire one of those maid services, to atleast vaccuum and dust, and maybe clean my kitchen for me, but want to clean it all out really well myself first. No need in scaring people off the instant they step in the house, you know? While Ziggy is deployed, I may get a maid service to do those little things for me. It would help tremendously.......

Now to the drama that is Auschwitz. Auschwitz has changed a bit, but nothing dramatically, since I was in Iraq. Put it like this, small things here and there have changed, but it's fundamentally the same as it was before I left. Meaning that it's still a concentration camp. To the point that everyone that is up for re-enlistment is trying to cross train out of the career field, not because they don't like the job itself, per se, but because of the circumstances we all work in. You'd think that this would wake someone up and hand them a clue, but no such luck. Anyways, I got cussed at by Cadillac. Not for anything I was/wasn't doing, either. Because he can't take it when someone else starts picking on him. Apparently he got picked on by another coworker, then someone else got picked on too, and it all nearly came to blows, apparently. I guess Kermit got wind of it, somehow, and he sent me outside to work so Cadillac wouldn't take it out on me again. Awfully considerate, I thought. I just didn't appreciate getting cussed at because he wasn't in a good mood. Hell, in women that's called being menstral. And we can take meds for that. But anyways........Come to find out, Cadillac is deploying with Ziggy. And Lord help, cause Cadillac found out that they can drink wherever it is that they are going. I have heard some stories about Cadillac when he is drunk (a big hole in a Korean's roof was part of it, along with a bottle rocket), so I can only imagine what mayhem we may hear about while that bunch is deployed.

Would you believe that TheGreek has offered to take Kat and I out again? He sent me and email today about it. I was surprised, since TheGreek doesn't like big crowds, clubs, etc. We'll see what happens. Might be fun, but there is NO way I am getting that drunk again......

Oh, pregnancy is catching, I guess. NO, I DON'T MEAN ME, YOU CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!!! I have so many people around me that are either heavily pregnant, or just finding out that they are pregnant. Good thing I have a patch. I think I'd shoot Ziggy for knocking me up at this point in time.

Halloween......hehehehehe.....MiniZiggy walked a whole block for trick-or-treating. After having been up early, etc. I was impressed. He wore a skeleton shirt that glowed in the dark. Hey, I'm a mom, not a miracle worker......that and I didn't really think he'd put up with a whole lot of a costume. He hates hats, so anything on his head was out of the question. But he was cute, he even carried his little pumpkin bucket and went to the doors with Scout. But on a side note, let me say that if your house light is on, that generally means that you have candy. So don't get pissed whn my kids come to your door for candy!! And my neighborhood is massively cheap on the whole candy gig. I was so unimpressed.

Alright, well, I guess that about covers it for now. More to come, I am positive.....

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AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
