Saturday, July 09, 2005

Being ladylike and working slow

So I'm outside in the smoke area chatting with a few of the guys I work with. The conversation inevitably turns to sex. After a while, one of the guys asks another one if he'd have a problem with his wife sitting in on the same conversation. The second guy says no, and then asks him why. So the first guy proceeds to say that HIS wife would be more ladylike, and not in the conversation. Ok, I get pissed and get up and leave.

Alright, here's the deal, if dude had a problem with my sitting there, one of two things should have taken place. 1, he could have asked me to leave and 2, he could have left the whole conversation. Instead, he talked around me, aside from attacking me as a wife with what he said. Oh yes, I will have words to say to this person, and they won't be kind.

Working it happens, we have few trucks to put armor on as of the current day. we have, in a sense, worked ourselves out of a job for the time being. So we spend our evenings trying to slow our work.......and honestly, that was more tiring than the actual work that we do.

On a happy note, my smallpox has healed finally, and I spent this morning in the pool.....Yippee........


Crazy Girl City said...

What an ass. He could have been a "gentleman" and not started it to begin with if he thought it was so "unappropriate" to discuss in front of a lady. He sounds like a big ol piece of shit doublestandard.

Unknown said...

yeah that is some fucked up shit. why do guys gotta be dumb like that?!?!?!

AFeskimo and Ziggy

AFeskimo and Ziggy
